
Alexei touched down as if he had jumped from the curb at the side of the road and not off the side of a mountain face.

His bracelets that had allowed the gravity manipulation morphed into a single staff, which he held ready to be attacked at any moment.

An attack didn’t come.

Whoever had perpetrated the colossal crime against Estie clearly hadn’t seen him launch himself into the situation, which was good, that meant he was still undetected and surprise was on his side.

He allowed his weapon to morph back into his body and yanked up the hood that the Assassin’s Guild had given him.

It was one of their specially enchanted hoods, the ones that wouldn’t let you see the face underneath them no matter how intently you looked at the person and no matter what angle you were looking at them from.

He still wasn’t quite sure how they did it, but that was a thought for another time.

The part of the city he had touched down in was relatively untouched by the destruction. There were a few bi
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