
When Risa woke the first thing that she saw was Neave sleeping in her bed and Alexei sleeping in the chair next to her own.

She remembered very little from the fight, only that it had ended when Neave had summoned a colossal vine to attack the Proto Lord and then she had thrown Alexei’s entire bandolier of explosive pots.

Clearly, the desperation play had worked or none of them would have probably been sleeping in the inn.

She sighed and shifted in bed, only to have her stomach give off a colossal rumble.

She was hungry, really hungry.

The noise was loud enough to wake Neave up, her beastkin ears twitching against her pillow. The girl grinned widely the moment she saw that Risa was awake and seemingly fine.

“What’s a girl got to do to get some food around here?” Risa said, raising her voice slightly to get Alexei’s attention, she knew he tended to sleep like the dead.

He woke with a start and took a moment to blink the sleep out of his eyes.

“Risa… you’re awake!” He exclaimed,
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