A New World

Nytri feels annoyed by their constant babbling. But she also feels sad that she couldn't sympathize with humans. Then again, the world wanted her dead so that sadness was easily washed away.

Nytri thoughts, "The world has really fallen this far huh. I was expecting it to grow stronger but it seems that was wishful thinking. I should get the hang of my body as soon as possible, don't want to break anything or anyone by accident." She stretches her wings up towards the sky. Then to her sides. Backwards and forward as they cover her, she starts to flaps them slowly as she ascends.

While the cult members continued with their explanation, the bald man reacts. "Umm, Overlord. Do you need to- " Nytri spread her wings and took flight *WHOOOSSHH* a huge gust of wind blows them as the bald man falls breaking his butt bone. She soars through the sky, taking in the world around her. It is a world vastly different from the one she knew. Filled with towering skyscrapers and advanced technology.

"Flying is as I remember it. Hmm, the demons seem to be in that direction, I better find out what's going on. Don't want to play war this early." She flies to the territories/continent the demons have conquered, observing them from above. "Hmmm, were the demons this organized? I guess even they had to start using strategies." Nytri is impressed by their organization and military prowess. Yet, she remains soundless, not wanting to draw attention to herself.

"I thought they would only be barbaric but it seems they have some traces of organization. Well, they did use strategies to fight my kin, the meat shield kind. To think they learned this much, I feel I should help humans since I can be considered one. From the energy density, some humans are stronger but still weak. I should be careful if I want to interfere, too much and I might be made a world target again. The demon kings were powerful back then, it's was so difficult flicking them with my finger with them scurrying around like bugs. But still not an issue for me but it seems they have grown stronger since then. A bug is still a bug."

As she flies, Nytri thinks about what she has learned. "First, it's been 400 years since I was sealed. The plan is still going as planned. The demons are being use to stir things up, and I have about a few months to spare, about 4 to be precise. It's not enough for earth to prepare …. Guess I'll get my hand involved again, I should be as subtle as possible so no one notices at least for 5 years. Hmm-"

Nytri's thoughts are interrupted as she notices a group of demons approaching. She stays still as her body as she blends in with the clouds. Though she is in plain sights, their senses perceive her to be a part of the environment and not an actual person.

Demons speak among themselves. "We have to regroup with the scouts, they are hunting the Nightmare. Rumors have started spreading that she will be resurrected soon." As Nytri is listening as her thoughts, "Okay, this version is different."

Her body ripples as if she was vibrating quickly. At this moment she makes an alter version of herself which disappears the moment it's made. She stays hidden and listens to the conversation trying to pick up new info.

"What do you mean rumors have started, there have been rumors of her for 5 years. Where did you spend your time?" A screen appears before Nytri as she waves it away, the screen is.

[WI#!@ @#!&*!@# DISPLAY


NOTICE: History has been altered.



"Yes captain, she was released 5 years ago." One of the demons suddenly says.

"Then what we doing now? Wait…. how come I didn't know of this? This is strange… let's head back to the commander, maybe I have forgotten the orders we received." They agree and leave.

Nytri's thoughts, "That's one issue fixed, I should leave." She quickly darts away, flying back to her castle. "The last thing I want is getting myself involved in some messy situation like wars and stuff. The demons aren't the real threat to the earth anyway, just pawns."

Nytri flies so fast that in only a few seconds she comes across her castle. This castle was built far away from any cities, it is a strategic location and had a lot of artefacts. Around the castle is a forest but the castle can be seen from a distance. There are remains of a fight in the area as the land has been remodeled with giant footprints and burnt marks. Some damages seem to have recovered but not enough to remove the traces of a battle here.

Nytri reminisced of the fight, that took place here as she faked a fight with the champion and his party of heroes. The castle is very big and has sturdy wall, after centuries it still stands with only being covered in plants

"It ended according to plan." She slowly descends to the castle gates and watches the dilapidated structure. She smiles and walks through the gates to the castle grounds. There are rare plants growing that even surprised Nytri. Some of them can be considered national treasures that give permanent boosts and others but not for her.

Nytri walks to the entrance. She enters the castle to a hallway that leads straight, she keeps walking and on her left. She notices that there is an inscription on the wall leading to her treasury saying. "Only the worthy shall enter". But it was a sham since there is a hidden lever which easily opens it but no one dared despite her absence. Nyri giggles. She has always been meticulous about the security of her home. No one has managed to enter without her permission when she's present.

Nytri thinks back, "This castle brings back memories. This was just a getaway spot but I kinda expected it to be ransacked since I kept some artefacts here at least by the daring gods. The security is quite weak though, most have even stopped working all together. I should confirm that" she heads into the treasury.

Nytri chuckles to herself as she remembers how she had planned her own sealing. She had imbued her weapon with a teleport, light showy runic spell and hid it in a tower of trials for someone to find. And fight her with her own weapon.

"That tower of trials did not disappoint. Although Ivan went overboard with it, it still produced a hero." She has been confident in her abilities and has wanted to test herself against a worthy opponent. But fate went according to her plans, and she had been sealed away for centuries.

"I was sealed just as planned but am curious, what happened next. I was told humans would learn to grow through the harsh gap in strength my absence would cause. The guy who was trained to seal me should be dead by now, if he is serious about growing stronger, then he should be alive. I need to get my weapon that I lent him to seal me."

As she walks through the castle halls. Nytri notices that no uninvited soul ever dared to get close to her castle despite its run-down appearance.

"I thought someone would be curious about my artifacts and at least break in to steal some, but no one tried, that's a shame. The fun traps were for nothing, it's for me watching." She stops and sees a symbol on a wall, it is the Cath Sith symbol.

"At least those guys came here for the prototypes. Now that I think about it, it seems no one dares to get close to the castle. Even merchants go around this area." The treasury is filled with Mythical treasures to the highest grade possible, Supreme grade. There used to be blueprints but the Cath Sith came for them. Those blueprints are from Nytri's knowledge about magic, skills and artefacts. So, they came for them after they hit a wall in their research.

As she wonders why no one came to the castle she never gets the answer but it was simple. They were too scared to come close, since it always felt like she's sitting on her throne, watching. She comes across a large old painting on the wall. It's so large it covers one side of the hallway as she stares at it and smiles warmly at it. The painting is about her family, all her kin and the giant monsters at the back. On the other side of the hallway is another painting. This one is clearly made from boredom as it's about food, game characters and a lot of other things.

Nytri chuckles, "She must have been so bored she resorted to draw these." She keeps on walking towards the end of the hallway which leads to the throne room



A few minutes earlier, when Nytri is in the clouds with the demons flying.

The demons are speaking amongst themselves. "We have to regroup with the scouts, they are hunting the Nightmare. Rumors have started spreading that she will be released." As Nytri is listening, she moves so quickly that time has stopped. Her body shakes as if she is vibrating quickly. At this moment she makes an alter version of herself which disappears the moment it's made.

Nytri's thoughts to her alter self, "Leave the earth, start a tutorial for the earth on the invasion." A copy of Nytri appears from her back as it spread her wings and flies like a bullet to the sky. Time continues and Nytri leaves.

Nytri's copy reaches the top of the Dome as she swipes her hands and a rift opens. She passes through it and appears in water space. She looks at the earth beside her and sees the very foundations of the earth.

Nytri's copy turns to the barrier. "They never give up do they? Then again, they're immortal." She stretched her hands to the earth. "No, I'll refrain from using my TIME CONTROL skill, I'm still not use to my body. Runes it is." Runic symbols started to appear around her as it formed a circle, 2 circles, 3 circles, 6 circles as a ball of runes covers her all the way to 17 circles.

NOTICE: Magic circles is Runic circles. The highest should be 12th tier but Nytri's mind can alter runes with her strong mental capacity and make her own set of them hence reaching 17 which should be impossible.

"This should do. Reverse time back by 5 years and forward by 5 years." The runic circles break as the space around the earth ripples." Silence, then Nytri smiles.

"Emberastra, you sensed me. I have a job for you, kill all the remaining invaders in the tutorial grounds." Nytri speaks but nothing happens. On earth the event of a century is happening. Chaos ensues over the appearance of a being only mentioned in legends.

Nytri turns and faces the alien fleets, "Using my skills against them won't be a bad thing." She clasped her hands together as a shockwave left her, "I don't remember where I learned this but, perfect timing. REALITY CONTROL > SPATIAL CREATION, SPATIAL TRANSPORT." She spreads her hands as a land is made before her which expands to be as big as a continent. Mountains and trees are forming. She makes some parts deserts as some were ice lands. Many, many variations according to the ecosystem of the aliens' planets.

The aliens are teleported/whisked from their ships onto this continent but without their weapons or armor. An alien ship can hold at least 20,000 aliens and she take aliens from thousands of ships. A gold dragon appears on the continent as it slaughtered the strong amongst the aliens and left the weakling.

"Good job, now to start earth's tutorial. A simple portal will do, if they don't investigate, I'll allow the aliens to reach earth but I'll give them their suits." The ships the aliens were piloting also disappears as portals appeared on earth. After 1 week, glass shatters from the portal that it is open to the earth. The aliens are given armor and allowed onto the earth. They killed thousands of people before the hunters formally adventures take action to clear the portal. This is all done by Nytri so the earth can prepare to fend for itself.

"This should be good enough, going back to the present. Emberastra, take care of things okay *ROOAARRR!!*" The loud roar reverberates across the new land.

Nytri focuses on the dome of the earth, "The second set of the runes should be up now." Space shifts as the earth moves forward in time by 5 years. Nytri has been sending aliens to the continents all this while due to the runes she used and she made a cozy castle and lazed- ahem relaxed in it till the real Nytri deemed it right

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