Preemptive Strike



Nytri turns to King, “Only Azurians.” King makes a disappointed face, Nytri looks at Dialdelios. “Will the Xenos join?”

Dialdelios shakes her head, “No, there’s no need. Running around crushing bugs won’t be fun.”

Nytri shrugs, “Suit yourself.” Nytri walks to the 128th floor, she swipes her hand making a rift for herself. The Azurians can also make rifts wherever they are, so they join with coordinates from Nytri to 5 kilometers around Zareth.

Nytri enters the rift to the familiar space of streams of raw destructive energy, she raises her head looking around. She sees a shining beacon from above her, she activates FLIGHT MODE and flies towards the lift.

Nytri looks around her, “Huh? The earth is not directly under the divine realm? Interesting, I’ll have to take time to see what the universe is really like.” She focuses on the beacon flying at full speed, she feels the presence of her kin following her through the streams.

Nytri grins, “I wonder how things wi
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