The Bomb In Action

Nytri looks at her stats then the huge….bomb above her. Nytri opens her mouth then exhales a breath attack. White flames with the center being black shoots out of her mouth at the huge ball completely engulfing it up. The huge ball slowly shrinks till it’s the size of a tennis ball in Nytri’s hand.

[NOTICE: Unstable compressed energy detected. Name required:…….]

Nytri holds the orb and looks at it with it above her, she squints her eyes looking inside it. “2-layer energy orb, first later is energy but the inner layer…... The inner layer is anti-energy? But these two don’t mix, unless….. hehehehe Information magic, SIMULATE estimated damage.”

A screen appears before Nytri showing.

[Object is a mix an unstable energy and anti-energy capable of destroying energy. CAUTION is advised since once anything is destroyed with this object, there is no way for it being restored.]

Nytri grins, “Nice…maybe a red flag but it’s perfect to destroy the landmasses. I’ll name it the Bye Bye Energy Bomb!”
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