The Divine Cleansing


Back at the teleport terminal, a group of gods arrive to see the place covered in purple mist. The teleport terminal which seems to be like a covered market with counters inside and stalls around are empty. Deep into the room cannot be seen because the mist is too thick, the gods observe the mist.

The gods are right before the building filled mist. One takes a bold step to enter. When he entered the mist but didn’t go far, he moves his hand through it trying to see what it is. “Hmmm, this is not different from air.” The god(Looks pretty old in robes) speaks, “There’s no poison either. What could this really be?” he takes a step and freezes. He looks at his hands turning it over to see his white hair on his hand turning black, he’s in shock.

“WHAT?!” The god is horrified, he turns around to leave, “No!” In a few seconds, the god tries to leave the mist. The god slowly loses his divinity and becomes human, just an old human. With his arm stretched for
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