Uncovering Nytri's History and Clearing Her Name

Nytri goes back to her suite, completely oblivious to the conversation taking place in Theron's office. The Sages of the Archive tower gather to discuss her situation hoping to clear her name and let the world know the truth about her past. Marcus, the bald sage who often drools over new knowledge enters the room. "My lord Theron, we have to talk about Master Nytri."

Theron raises his eyebrows, looking at Marcus inquisitively. "What is there to talk about?"

Selene follows behind Marcus, "We have to do something to clear her name. She is nothing like the rumours. I know this after our conversation."

Theron sighed. "I know,"

Sages speak in unison, "But why won't you do anything?!"

Theron says, with a tinge of sadness in his voice, "Because nothing can be done. There is no history about her past in the tower, and every knowledge of her history came from outside the tower and her interaction with the first sages. The world saw her as a demon, evil, and a monster not because she was, but because she was unpredictable. We have no accurate history to describe her only what her grand plan was and we we’re even lucky to uncover that from Sage Lord Kael."

The sages look at each other in surprise. "What?" they asked in unison.

Theron looks at the sages then through a monitor fixed on his desk. "In the past, there is no history of where she came from except her first encounter with the Demon King Baelzorath, the Deceiver. When Demon King Baelzorath, first saw her, he used appraisal and fled like a madman, and all his soldiers died, but he alone survived. Nytri looked at the army of demons, and they were confused as to why the Demon King Baelzorath left in such a manner. According to the people present, the demons turned to dust. Even all this is from other sources but not the person who did the deed."

The sages listened to Theron intently, completely engrossed in the story.

Theron continues, "But when the Sage Lord Kael went to the site many years later and used information magic 'NATURE READING,' he was able to see what exactly happened, he saw Master Nytri's eyes glow with eerie glint and the demons’ bodies rotted alive so fast that they couldn't be seen. At that point, he used appraisal on her figure and saw her level to be 760."

One of the Sages exclaimed, "But that's impossible! The highest level any man can reach is 99. There is nothing beyond 99,"

Theron chuckles, "There is. There are two kinds of devices used for appraisal, one made by Aurum Tech and one made by us from Master Nytri's knowledge. The one made by Master Nytri's knowledge is rarely used because the people saw it to be faulty."

Another Sage steps up, "Yes, they said the highest-ranking hunter, John Von Neumann, was only level 40. People started claiming it to be faulty so it was discontinued."

Theron spoke nodding, "Master Nytri's method is the accurate version because the tomes contain knowledge on the hierarchy of levels of this realm and the other realms."

Selene shrugs, "But how does this have anything to do with her, even if her level is over 700?"

Theron shakes his head, "Because people fear the unknown and the extremely powerful. Some tried many methods to steal her power to level up, but they died because of the enormous power she possessed. And those people feared her for it. To make matters worse, the surviving gods who lost to her in the war before she left the dungeon spread rumours of her being a bad person," shaking his head.

Sages are shocked, "But why?"

Theron sighs, "Because she attacked the divine realm and slaughtered them. Hundreds of thousands of gods died in mere seconds."

The sages gasped in shock, unable to fathom the sheer power and destruction that Nytri was capable of.

Theron leans into his chair, "That's all the history we know about her,"

Marcus grits his teeth, his mind racing with ideas. "Then, then let’s make our own history about her” his words surprise everyone but some start to comprehend it.

Theron nods in agreement with Marcus' suggestion, Theron, "Yes, we can use modern technology to our advantage and change the public's perception of Nytri. But we need to approach this carefully. We can't simply ask her to tell us what happened, she may not be willing to tell us.” Theron rubs his chin, “But we have to try,”

One of the Sages speak up, "I may know someone who can help. A historian who specializes in the divine war, and who has access to rare documents that could shed some light on the events that led to Master Nytri's attack on the divine realm."

Theron nods and points at that sage, "That sounds promising. We should contact them immediately." Just then, a servant returns with the tome Theron had requested earlier. Theron opens it and quickly scanned through its pages before closing it with a sigh.

"Nothing useful here, just the levels of the appraisal device based on Master Nytri’s instructions. We also need something new, something that hasn't been tried before."

Marcus speaks up again, "What about recruiting other powerful dungeon explorers to join us in our cause? The more support we have, the stronger our voice will be."

Theron considers this for a moment before nodding, "Yes, that's a good idea. We should start reaching out to other explorers who have encountered Master Nytri and who can vouch for her character."

Another Sage adds, "I can also reach out to some influential figures in the media industry, to see if they can help us spread the truth about Nytri." The group continued to brainstorm ideas and plan their next steps, determined to clear Nytri's name and bring justice to her situation.

They managed to contact organizations across the world who were aware of the Dark Secret and they aided the Sages in anything they needed hoping to get the truth from Nytri peacefully, the stories about her were that bad enough. Gods were terrified of her so they didn’t want to start anything with her since they think no one would save them. Sadly, besides Nytri’s unique features, few people are aware of her appearance.

Plus, the little stunt she pulled numbed the world’s mind of her presence. It’s more like, ‘Oh, the Nightmare Overlord is back? I heard that like 5 years ago and nothing happened. Next time say something truthful or at least interesting.’ This is the reason why Nytri can stroll the streets and people don’t bother to link her to her past.


- Here begins a long arc about Nytri’s past

- Nature reading; A Branch of Information magic that allows the user to see what happened in a particular place as though there were present there.

- This information according to the Theron is not accurate since no one present at the time knew what impact she made or bothered to learn about her.

- Nytri’s actual appearance wasn’t made known to the world because of certain forces working in the shadows, these same forces lured the demons to attack the earth and the continent to push them to wake Nytri from her centuries slumber. These forces were never known to the world as they mixed and lived with them, these forces were referred to as XENOS, the only existences capable of matching Nytri in strength and they were loyal to no one else but Nytri.

- Divine war is war between gods and devils, in Nytri’s skills, Dark summons VS Light Summons. Her interference caused the war to be at a standstill mainly because when she attacked the divine realm, some unlucky devils got caught in the explosion without her notice.

- According to Nytri’s INFORMATION MAGIC. Humanity consists of various races such as Basic humans (normal humans), beastkin, elves, dwarves, any being with humanoid features possessing DNA linking to Basic Humans can be considered a part of humanity. This knowledge was found in the Archive Tower and the Sages pushed for equality among those races because in the tomes written and tested by Nytri, the various races came about due to interference from outside the earth and the adaptation of Basic Humans to EP/energy.

- The Info on the Xenos will be provided later, but for spoilers, please leave a comment or you could read ahead.


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