Chapter 17

It is Been two weeks.

Two weeks of me been locked up in my room.

Two weeks of my mom bring food to my room.

Two weeks of me being constantly pissed and angry at all the mean words I hear them say about me.

Two weeks of me not letting myself out of the house for a run.

And of course, two weeks since my supposed Guardian showed up.

How cute I thought...

"Urgh now would be a good time to go for a run and fast, I got to find some way to let this anger and frustration out. Before I explode in someone else's face."

Just when I thought I had enough my sensitive ears picks up a conversation of my number one enemy in this mansion, Cecilia and her good for nothing best friend Cristina as they gleefully insult me just like they have been doing for this past 2 weeks just like how everyone has been doing in this pa

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