48. Raping her

|•| Third person's point of view|•|

" Where did you get this from?" Lord Dantalion queried as his eyes took a shade of red.

Kayla gasped as she felt her chest rising and falling.

" I don't know." Kayla lied gulping so hard and lord Dantalion could sense she was lying.

So this was it?

This was the reason he couldn't feel connection with kayla, it's was obvious it was given to her by Luna because he has seen such on Luna's arm but he cared less about it.

Just immediately he removed the bracelet, he could feel his connection her again.

" So Luna thinks he can play smart on me? In his next world, he won't dare mess around with me" lord Dantalion said as squeezed the bracelets and crushed it into pieces with his arms.

Kayla's tears began to flow heavily as she heard those last words from lord Dantalion, so Luna was truly dead?


Adding to her pain, lord Dantalion destroyed the bracelet she could have used as a rememberance of Luna.

" You are worse than the devil and I
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