Lord Of The Empire
Lord Of The Empire
Author: Afole write
Chapter 1

“Are you certain this is a good idea?” The parish priest, Father Daniel quizzed with a skeptical look.

Jonathan and Regina's eyes met where they sat nervously across each other in the small, dimly lit room of the parish priest's office, the scent of incense hung in the air. Jonathan studied Regina, “Yes, we are sure.” he said firmly.

Father Daniel doesn't look convinced by Jonathan's answer, “You understand what you're requesting I do right?”

It had been Jonathan's idea to marry Regina in secret. Despite his wish to declare to the world his love, and claim her, he couldn't. Not with Regina's disapproving family, breathing down their necks. This was the only hope for their relationship, and Regina suggested Father Daniel to help them. The priest has been with Regina throughout her entire growth until now and has Regina's trust.  

“Father, please do this for us,” Regina spoke up when she caught sight of doubt filling his eyes. This was their last resort and she needed badly for Father Daniel to agree.

“We love each other, sir, please,” Jonathan pleaded earnestly.

Father Daniel knew It wasn't a good idea but could he turn his back on these poor children? He rose from his chair, to move to the altar at the side of his office, then knelt. 

Jonathan and Regina watched anxiously for what felt like an eternity and when Father Daniel finally stood, he turned to the nervous couple, 

“Before I proceed,” he began, his voice firm and yet filled with compassion, “Let me remind you that marriage is a sacred bond, one that shouldn't be taken lightly but I admire your love and courage, and I choose to believe in the sanctity of your union. I've decided to join you both.”

Relief washed over the couple as tears filled Regina’s eyes. “Thank you, Father,” her voice choked with emotion.

The ceremony happened almost immediately, with Father Daniel doing just as he had promised. The wedding was brief, with only the priest as witnesses to their vows. Father Daniel watched the lovebirds exchange rings and promises, and a sense of peace filled him, making him know he made the right decision.

“I pronounce man and wife,” Father Daniel declared, “You may kiss the bride.”

Their kiss sealed the union and Father Daniel was smiling as he handed them a marriage certificate, the proof of their commitment. 

“So what next, newlyweds?” Father Daniel quizzed. 

Jonathan beamed, hugging his new wife to his side, “I booked us a place for later, sir. But I thank you again, none of this would be possible without you.”

Regina stepped forward to hug Father Daniel, “Thank you so much, I will never forget this.”

Father Daniel patted her back and pulled away, “I am glad I could help.”

That night, the couple checked into a modest hotel, celebrating their new life together, and discussing dreams and hopes.

Morning came too quickly for the newlyweds, and the reality of their lives flooded back. The drive back to Regina’s home was quiet, and when Jonathan parked the car outside Regina's large family house,

“I don't want to go in,” Regina admitted.

Jonathan nodded in understanding and reached for her hand. “You won't have to deal with anything alone, I'll be here for you henceforth.”

They both comforted each other before stepping out of the car, Regina sensed something was wrong as she stepped into her house to find her family gathered in the living room, with an unfamiliar, wealthy-looking man seated with them causing her fear. Regina’s family fixed them with a piercing gaze.

Mary, Regina’s eldest sister frowned, “Jonathan, how many times will I have to tell you not to drive my car around? I need it washed now, I have places to be.” she ordered, not hiding her disdain.

Jonathan glanced at Regina before leaving and once Jonathan left, Regina’s mother then gestured towards the stranger. “This is Jackson.”

Regina eyed Jackson suspiciously, “Is anything wrong?”

“Remember our discussion on finding someone, well we finally did.” Regina's father announced.

Regina’s heart sank as she looked at Jackson, who smiled smugly. 

Regina's mother smiled, “You don't have to worry yourself, honey, Jackson is very capable and will take good care of you.”

Regina frowned, “But I can't.”

Regina's father frowned, “Did you say something?”

“I can't,” she gulped, “I can't betray my husband.”

The room fell silent before Regina's mother chuckled, “Is this a joke to you?”

Regina shook her head, “I love him.” 

Mary laughed, “I’m expecting you to laugh and say it's a joke.”

“It's true,” Regina opened her bag and brought out a certificate.

Mary gasped, “Is that what I think it is? The husband isn't Jonathan, right?” Regina's mother slammed her hand on the table, “Mary go get Jonathan.” 

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