Chapter 3

Mary regained her stability with her mouth agape from shock. She couldn't believe this just happened, immediately gathering her composure, 

“I'll go after him,” Mary said and without waiting for a reply, rushed after Jackson.

“This is all your fault, how dare you take advantage of my daughter?” Regina's father yelled, storming toward Jonathan looking ready to kill. 

Regina gasped and tossed her bag to the ground, rushing to stop her father before he could reach Jonathan. She stood between her father and Jonathan, blocking the pathway, “Daddy, no, please,” she said between sobs, contemplating touching her father but quickly deciding against it. She couldn't risk it.

Regina's father scoffed, “Get out of my way, you useless child. All you had to do was one thing, just one thing,” her father repeated, raising his voice, causing her to flinch from fear and surprise as his voice echoed through the house. “How could you let that good for nothing get to you, allow him to poison your mind and corrupt you? How could you be so daft?”

Regina couldn't give a response as she was too busy sobbing, but it did not seem to reach the heart of her parents as they simply stared at her with disappointment and increased anger.

Anyway, it was a different story for Jonathan as his heart clenched painfully watching the love of his life cry so hard. He made to take a step forward and reach out for Regina but Regina's mother was faster as she swooped in to shove Jonathan away harshly and shot him a glare. If looks could kill Jonathan would have long dropped dead. 

“You stay away from my daughter, you evil boy,” Regina's mother yelled, eyeing Jonathan with disgust before turning to face her daughter. “What in the world were you thinking, getting involved with such an abomination? Have you seen him and seen yourself? Weren't you ashamed?” Regina's mother scoffed, then continued, “Aren't you afraid?”

“Just because I let you run around and give you some freedom, you see how you repay me. Do you know what you have cost me? What you have cost the family, Regina? How could you be so dumb?” Regina's father barked with rage, his eyes bloodshot red and veins popping out of his forehead.

Jonathan frowned, stepping forward, “Don't talk to her like that, if there is anyone you should blame, it should be me and not Regina,” he said bravely although he was wavering a little, he made sure he hid it properly from Regina's parents.

Regina's mother placed her hands on her head, “Ahh, and of all the people this stupid girl had to go have anything with, it had to be our lowlife driver. I am screwed, my daughter has killed me.”

“Mum, please, listen to me,” Regina said between sobs, trying to pacify her parents as she did the same to herself. “I'm sorry.”

Her father towered over her and then yelled angrily, “Sorry does not solve anything. It certainly does not change the fact that we just lost a three hundred billion dollar deal, do you know what is at stake?”

Jonathan frowned, feeling his anger rise. “You guys should feel ashamed, what kind of parents are you? Selling your daughter off to the highest bidder? Did you ever think of her well-being?” He ranted angrily.

Regina's mother graced his face with another slap, “You will not coach me on how to treat my daughter. I know what is good for her and it is certainly not you.”

“You guys will be coming with me and we will get this stupid marriage annulled,” Regina's father ordered, grabbing Regina's wrist.

“Daddy, I can't,” Regina sobbed, struggling to get out of her father's hold. “I love him.”

Jonathan held back the urge to rub his sore cheek, his resolve remaining unshakable. “It's Regina's life and you will not dictate what she wants and can do. I love her and she loves me, and I won’t divorce her,” he said firmly. 

Regina's parents' anger reached a fever pitch, Regina's father spoke up first, “You despicable fool, you should be ashamed of yourself, for running your mouth with no control. It seems you need me to remind you of where your place is and who you are.”

“Won't you guys stop and think of your daughter, what makes her happy_,” Jonathan began.

“Keep your speech, come with me,” Regina's Father cut him short harshly.

“No! I will never divorce Regina.”

Regina's mother gasped at his stubbornness and reached for her phone, “I have no time for this, I'm calling the cops.”

Regina's eyes widened, “No mum, don't.” She looked at both her parents, convinced there was no changing their minds, and she blurted out with her voice trembling, “Stop, please! I'm pregnant.”

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