trudged up the cobblestone path to my father's villa, excited to give him the great news of my latest accomplishment—securing a membership into the consortium.

I could hear Jonathan and William’s voices even before I reached the door, their complaints echoing through the open windows. Wonderful, just what I needed.

As I stepped inside, I could see them in the sitting room, whining to Dad.

“Come on, Dad, we need the money for the business consortium headquarters entrance fee,” Jonathan was saying, his tone almost whiny.

William chimed in, “Yeah, it’s not like we’re asking for much. Just a little investment in our future.”

Dad shook his head firmly. “I’ve told you both already, I’m not giving you any more money. You need to learn to stand on your own two feet.”

I decided it was time to make my presence known. I walked in, trying to hide my amusement. “Hey there, family.”

Jonathan’s head whipped around, and he glared at me. “Who let you in, Richard? Can’t you see we’re ha
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