“John,” Mr. Dennis’ voice boomed, cutting through the room like a hot knife through butter. Everyone froze. “Seems you conveniently forgot to mention that Richard saved my Cathy when those high-priced hospital hacks were ready to ship her off to the morgue.”

John, momentarily stunned, recovered quickly, plastering on a smile that was as fake as a three-dollar bill.

"Ah, yes, Mr. Dennis, my apologies. You see how easily I’m swayed by emotion? But perhaps our esteemed guest, Richard, could enlighten us further. A little demonstration of these… exceptional medical skills, maybe?” He looked at me, his eyes gleaming with a challenge. “I for one would be very interested to witness such talent firsthand. And offer my most sincere praise, of course.”

I could practically smell the trap he was setting, but his blatant attempt at sarcasm was almost amusing. He wanted a show, did he? Fine. Two could play at this game.

Before I could respond, a groan ripped through the room. A
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