I woke up the next morning with a plan in my head and determination in my veins. Getting a visa couldn’t be that hard, right? Just fill out some forms, smile, and maybe make small talk about the weather. Easy. I grabbed my keys, downed a cup of coffee, and headed straight for the embassy.

The line outside the building was already forming when I got there. People were shuffling around, looking at their watches and tapping their feet. Everyone was impatient, but I was in a good mood. I even smiled at the security guard who gave me a once-over before letting me through.

Inside, it was a different story. The air was thick with tension, the kind that made you feel like you were back in school waiting for your name to be called for a surprise test. I took a deep breath and found a seat. I could do this. I just needed to be polite and patient.

After what felt like an eternity, my number was finally called. I walked up to the counter, trying to keep my cool. The staff member, a
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