When I woke up that morning, the last thing I expected was for the system to drop a task like a bomb in my lap: "Spend $10 million in 48 hours." What the hell? I mean, I’m not exactly hurting for cash, but $10 million? And spend it on what? My brain was still fuzzy from sleep, but I knew one thing—I didn’t have time to sit around and ponder the why. I had to figure out how.

I sat up in bed, rubbing my temples as I tried to shake off the remnants of last night’s chaos. Lydia, my brothers, that damn smug look on Jonathan’s face—it all came flooding back, but I shoved it to the side. There was a new challenge in front of me now.


Her suitor, Langston Gilbert, was the final piece of the puzzle. If I could get him out of the way, Amelia would be free from this ridiculous arranged marriage bullshit. I wasn’t about to let some wrinkly old bastard swoop in and ruin her life. But first, I needed to find a way to use this money to my advantage.

I dialed Amelia’s number, h
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