I walked into my father’s house, already hearing the yelling from the hallway. Jonathan and William were at it again, their voices carrying through the walls. I couldn’t help but smirk as I approached the study.

“You can’t be serious, Dad!” Jonathan’s voice was heated. “This is rigged! Richard’s just an illegitimate son. How is it fair to make us compete with him?”

William chimed in, his frustration clear. “Yeah, and you’re saying we have to deal with these impossible tasks while Richard gets a free pass? It’s not right.”

My father’s response was calm, almost too calm. “If you’re unhappy with the tasks, there’s a simple solution: hand over your inheritance to Richard.”

Jonathan and William were livid. “Are you kidding me?” Jonathan shouted. “You think we’d just roll over and let him take everything? This is bullshit!”

William’s face was red with anger. “You’re making us compete against someone who’s not even your legitimate child! How is that fair?”

I leaned against the
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