Suddenly, Samantha stammered through her apology, her eyes darting around like a deer caught in headlights. "I-I'm so sorry, Mr. Richard. I didn’t mean to—"

I cut her off, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, you didn't mean to? Well, isn't that just peachy. I didn't mean to be insulted or have my time wasted, but here we are."

A small crowd had gathered, their whispers growing louder with every passing second. Some of them had their phones out, probably recording the scene. Great, I thought, just what I need—my face plastered all over social media because of an incompetent sales agent.

"Maybe you should get someone who knows what they're doing," I suggested, my tone as biting as a winter wind.

The look of sheer panic on Samantha's face was almost enough to make me feel a twinge of guilt. Almost.

At that moment I noticed the manager, a tall man with a sharp suit and a sharper gaze. He walked towards us, like a hawk approaching his prey. His name tag read, ‘Michael’. He
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