“Father!” Grandma White, Amelia’s grandmother, trilled, practically levitating from her seat in excitement. “You’re back early!”

Amelia’s grandfather, a tall, imposing figure with a shock of white hair and eyes that could cut diamonds, strode into the room like he owned the place. Which, considering this was his house, wasn’t entirely inaccurate.

Introductions were made, handshakes exchanged. I plastered on my most charming smile, doing my best to exude an air of polite respectability.

The old man, however, wasn't easily swayed by charm, even charm as potent as mine. He subjected me to a scrutiny so intense I could practically feel my skin prickling under his gaze.

"So, Richard," he began, his voice a gravelly baritone that spoke of countless board meetings and ruthless business deals. “Tell me about your family. What line of work are your parents in?”

“My mother,” I said, choosing my words carefully, “is…retired. And my father…” I paused, letting the silen
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