As Jonathan and William stormed out of my office, the door slammed with a reverberating thud that echoed the tumult in my mind.The conversation had not only gone south—it had plummeted. Their faces had been clouded with anger, disappointment etched deeply into their expressions. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret. Had I been too harsh? No, I reassured myself, they needed to hear it.

I leaned back in my chair, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Why? Just why can't things be straightforward for once?" I muttered to myself, staring blankly at the cityscape that sprawled beyond my window.

I had assumed that Amelia was being honest with me, even considered for a moment that she had changed. Well, I guess it was too early to judge her.

But I couldn’t understand my brother’s involvement with the situation and the reason for their reaction. But I take a wild guess.

Their anger, their accusations—it all boiled down to one thing: the money. The damned money. How did they
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