I leaned against the cool metal of a nearby lamppost, my body suddenly too heavy to support itself. Richard, my ex-husband, had secured the contract that was supposed to be our saving grace. I thought of all the time I had spent preparing to secure this contract, of the endless promises I had made on the strength of this deal. All for naught.

People passed by me on the sidewalk, and I barely noticed them. My world was reduced to the screen of my phone and the ruin of my dreams.

The drive home was the longest of my life, each traffic light a red-eyed monster glaring at me, each turn a twist in the tightening knot of my stomach.

I cheated on Richard. There, the ugly truth lay in my mind, a venomous snake coiled and hissing, its fangs dripping with the poison of guilt. Was this a curse, could it be the universe punishing me for my infidelity? My hands trembled on the steering wheel, and I had to focus on the road ahead to keep from swerving into oncoming traffic.

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