Shadows of Defeat

With the embers of battle fading into stillness, the remnants of the Coalition staggered through the haze of despair. Among them, **Isolde Gildren**, once emboldened by the ambition of her reign, now found herself grappling with the remnants of her shattered dreams. Her once-proud figure, clad in dark armor, seemed to carry the weight of the world as she fled the battlefield—a specter lost in the shadows of her failures.

Beside her, the remaining grandmasters and knights trudged forward, their spirits crushed, retreating deeper into the heart of the Caldris Coalition Each step felt heavier than the last as they made their way to the Coalition headquarters, where the echoes of their defeat loomed larger than any army.

Isolde's thoughts raced as she fell into the recesses of her mind, reflecting on the failings that had led to her downfall. “We underestimated them,” she whispered, her voice tinged with bitterness. “Rael Lunaris and his knights outmaneuvered us at every turn.”

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