The First Battle

Part 2: Shadows of Ambition

The first light of dawn broke across the eastern border, casting the fortress in a soft glow. Rael Lunaris stood again at the ramparts, now overlooking a sea of soldiers who readied themselves for the day’s conflict. Tension hummed in the air, thick like the morning fog that swirled around their ankles. Each knight felt the weight of the impending battle, an amalgamation of fears and unchained ambitions.

Rael turned his gaze from the horizon to the expanse before him, where **Bennir**, **Rowan**, and **Lord Braden** gathered in solemn discussion. The air was charged with anticipation as plans coalesced into a unified front, destinies intertwined as they terrified and exhilarated him in equal measure.

“Today, we show our resolve,” Rael said, his voice steady and resonant amidst the murmur of planting banners and adjusting armaments. “Trust in our preparation,

Bennir nodded, his expression sharpening with focus. “It is vital that we maintain a united front, a
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