Lunaris chronicles
Lunaris chronicles
Author: Sanele A magwaza
shadows of betrayal

The moon hung high in the night sky, casting a silvery glow over the aftermath of victory. Arin Valenhart, Captain of the Ninth Valenhart Imperial Knight Order, leaned against a gnarled tree, the pain of his injuries mixing with the adrenaline that still coursed through his veins. They had successfully subdued the cult fanatics near the eastern border, a mission that had cost him more than just his pride; he could feel the warm blood seeping through the bandages wrapped tightly around his abdomen.

With each passing moment, he was acutely aware of the quiet that enveloped the forest. His knights were tending to the wounded, but deep in his core, unease gnawed at him. Something felt wrong—an ominous weight hung in the air, heavy with foreboding.

Exhausted yet exhilarated, he took a deep breath, drawing upon the remnants of his energy. The mission had been harrowing, but he felt a spark of pride at the thought of returning home as a hero. His father, Emperor James Ron Valenhart, would have to acknowledge him now.

Yet, as the night deepened, shadows stretched across the ground like creeping fingers. Arin’s instincts flared, honed through years of combat. He glanced back toward his squad, ensuring they were occupied with their tasks, before he stepped deeper into the foliage, seeking solace amidst the chaos within his mind.

Suddenly, the eerily still air splintered with the sound of movement. Before he could fully react, three figures cloaked in darkness surged from the shadows. Their movements were fluid and precise, striking before he could reach for his weapon. He recognized the sigils emblazoned on their garments—a stark reminder of who had sent them: the Shadow Knights, the imperial family’s elite guild of assassins.

“Arin Valenhart,” one of the figures hissed, voice dripping with malice. “You’ve become a dangerous pawn in a game you don’t comprehend.”

Adrenaline surged anew as Arin’s mind raced. "What do you want?" he demanded, struggling to pull his blade free even as their swift movements closed in on him.

“As if you don’t already know,” another assassin sneered. “The First Empress has deemed you a threat, along with her sons—Crown Prince Zeffer and Fourth Prince Elric. They sent us to ensure that your boastful ambitions die with you.”

Panic coursed through him, but he fought back against the suffocating dread. "You won't succeed," he spat defiantly, summoning his strength, but it was futile. He was outnumbered and wounded, each attempt to fight back further sapping him of his energy.

Before he could fully grasp the gravity of his fate, a shadow sliced through the night, and pain erupted in his side—a cruel reminder that this was the culmination of all his struggles, the price of lingering too close to the emperor's family.

As life began to slip away, he forced himself to look at the assassins, their faces masked but their intentions all too clear in their cold eyes. “This is for the empire,” the third one said, raising his weapon with grim certainty.

With his last breath, a mix of anger and despair surged within him. “You’ll pay for this…” he murmured, but darkness overcame him as the assassins delivered the final blow.

***With a sudden jolt, Arin awoke, sputtering in gasps under the flickering lights of a dimly lit underground chamber. The air was cool, reminiscent of damp earth and stone. It shielded him from the tempest that had overwhelmed his body and spirit just moments ago.

His hand shot to his neck, finding that the head was still attached to his body , but remnants of pain flickered in memory like afterimages. He sat up quickly, mind racing, battling confusion and disbelief. This place—it was unlike anything he had ever encountered before.

When Arin opened his eyes again, it was to a soft light flooding a vast, secluded room. Confusion clouded his mind—where was he? The distant echo of the previous night, the ambush, and the betrayal faded slowly into the recesses of his memory.

The room was large and ornate, rich with an aura of mana that shimmered like stars against the stone walls. Were techniques and breathing instructions —the **Lunaris Secret Arts **—its cover embossed with intricate designs that sparked a flicker of recognition in his mind.

In this moment of clarity memories flooded his mind the genius of the Lunaris Kingdom prince Rael Lunaris who became a ninth rank knight at age of eight and at age nineteen he was already a second ranked knight he then entered the underground secluded training site of the royal family to learn Lunaris families secret art that is inscribed on the walls there Rael has been in secluded training for close to two years now.

,Arin ralized he was no longer just Arin Valenhart. He was now Rael Lunaris—the crown prince of the Lunaris Kingdom. The echo of the name surged within him, infused with knowledge and power. the original Rael seems to have died after absorbing two much many from his surroundings as he tried to master the secret art and died of mana overdose, arin could feel the remnants of the former Rael’s mana overload channeling through him, imploring him to reach for the potential buried deeper within.the original rael had seemed to have succumbed to a overoad of mana and died .

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