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'What kind of chains are these...? I can't...be free...' His eyes stirred open by the time he realized he was in his conscience and not taken to the after world. Looking around, Dane realized he wasn't on earth as well. The atmosphere around him was slightly pressurized, as if gravity was acting on him twice as hard. What realm was this?"You don't have to struggle this hard unless you tell us to give up on your work. On earth, Radge Hawkers are planning something." This anonymous voice makes Dane alerted as he looks around in suspicion."Who is there?" He sees a shadow. Their hair was flowing everywhere over their head. They didn't have just one head, as well. Was it another kind of monster who had the ability to create portals, bring him to this fiction of space or another realm all together? What was happening?"You don't want to know about me, dear my Dane Artemas Summer." That diction...that way of speaking...Dane couldn't guess who it was but it was someone familiar. "Come out
MONSTER HUNTING Battle between Lords
Deep breathing, temperature against the sun's surface rising, yet the two lords of realms fight with each other as if there was no tomorrow. Dane was bleeding through his cheek after a long time. The man opposite held a two headed sceptre made of Jade. It convinces him who it was."Just tell me you are Dixon, dammit! Everything about you screams that you are him!" Dane knew he shouldn't waste his breath when he was in space, where there is no air! But he couldn't help it! "I told you... I AM NOT DIXON!" The two headed lord of what he claims to be strikes his sceptre towards Dane. He dodges that as well, his own sword clinking with the sceptre, producing sparks which could light up the atmosphere around another sun. "You are a fool to make me believe you're not Dixon. Stop everything you're—""There is no stopping of what I've started, leader of the Guild. Well...until we meet again." Dane narrowed his eyes to see how the creature's face was transforming into purple blue. It's stri
MONSTER HUNTING One who saved the solar system
Chadwick stared at her, wide eyed. What did she just say?"If you're not coming with me there, Chadwick, I'll be sure to terminate your powers by breaking your pact...with us." Athena threatened to Chadwick."You're insane. I- I might be literal light, but the sun is a different league even for me—""So you're saying...you will let your friend die in there because he didn't have the balls to rescue him?" Everyone in the room was staring at Athena and Chadwick. Athena was getting worked up, emotionally and mentally. She couldn't stand the absence of her lover in the room even for a second more."Fine. 500 seconds. You know how long it takes for light to travel—""Dane can't wait that long. We will use teleportation—""Athena, 93 million miles is a crazy distance. They have to use a level of portal making for that—""THEN DO IT!" Joule and Luke Crysalis look at each other. If one of them had gone as far to sacrifice himself for the entire solar system, they could at least do this for
Charlize spit the drink out in splitters seeing the data. A huge red dot over the Amazon shook her up! What was the monster that crossed all limits and directly went to at least Tier 14!? "GUYS! ARE YOU SEEING THIS!?" Dylan watched her run past him as she fled into the chamber of discussion. "I'm looking at it right now. What is this thing? It's...it's way beyond our league." Just when Makio Chen finished her sentence, Athena came running holding the same gadget in her hand."It's from the same place Dane and Charlize have landed. I'm sure it's that." Makio Chen crushed her eyebrows together."Who said that?" "Dane. He's partially awake, but has consciousness enough to talk to me. I might have accidentally let him read my thoughts and—""Oh lord. What if that monster is looking for him?" Johan Jade looked at them with concern written over his face for Dane."That might be true. What is that monster is looking for Dane? Or at least you? But a Tier 14...unpredictable. Where did this
"Where is your little boy toy?" Chuckling, the monster hits her again. Athena grunts as she tries to counter the monster's fist with her fire coated sword. Only for the monster to dismiss her strong defense with one hand as its other hand swiftly plucks her from where she was standing! "AH!" "LADY ATHENA!!" Charlize screams behind the woman, trying to escape from the trap the monster had pushed all other monster hunters into."Why...why is this happening to her?" "That thing...it knows she's the powerful one amongst us. Its initial goal as we thought...was to eradicate the strongest. Who is doing this? It...it doesn't look like it's from earth either. It has powers!" Makio chen screamed in frustration after Charlize who silently held the bars and cried. The monster could use metal manipulation and wind nature as well! What was happening!?"Dane...we can't handle this without you..." Makio Chen slowly turned around to look at Charlize who speaks the atrocity. Slowly, everyone inclu
The monster turned around, having had a layer of its back blasted off by Dane. It smirked, looking at his levitating figure with amusement like no other."So you are finally here...""Yes. I am. You called me here. You summoned me here...by hurting the people I love the most.""Oh? Her? You're talking about this...wimp?" Dane glared at the monster who picked up Athena again. The poor woman was already in pain, her muscles and bones shifting to recover. The monster crushes her again, almost bursting her head off. Dane couldn't tolerate her blood curdling scream. He went straight into the monster's face!However, the monster's speed was such a menace...even for him! 'This is bad...I can't risk getting you to take my form either. You don't have enough energy yourself.''You're a fool if you think I can't grow stronger. Did you forget I am literally a part of the universe? Let me stay still for a while, I will absorb some force for you.''You...can do that?''When I'm in shape myself,
MONSTER HUNTING There are more tiers
'So that is what you meant...alright.'He breathes calmly and runs his finger along the blade which glows black. The slash he made through the monster's chest defeated it, but it was kept alive. "I believe you are made of water as well. Let me manipulate your molecules to follow my command..." Dane's Force-Human form brought darkness to the clouds. His powers were...increasing. "I feel a nasty amount of Force oozing out of him. What did he do...?" Joule asked Makio Chen. The woman shook her head, having no idea of what she saw either. "I don't know what is going on, but it looks like Dane just won." Keeping his eye on the monster, Dane slowly turned his gaze to look at Athena. She just stood, recovered from her injuries as she stared at him. He flew towards her, slowly getting his human self back."Hi..." he slowly uttered to greet her yet again. They've been apart for a few days, but it felt like an eternity. "See. Like I said...it's just the beginning. This thing inside me...it
MONSTER HUNTING Everyday is a war
"Did you...hear her?" Holding the glass of champagne in his hand, Dane turned to the sound of her. She looked normal, but her heart was thudding out of her chest. Walking into his embrace as they view the ocean, breathing its mist, Athena waits for his response."I did. I am not shaken. This doesn't feel like new information for me. That power...it seemed alien in many ways." Explained he."I see. Even I couldn't...""Don't think about it, Athena. It's going to keep killing you until you finally realize how worthless you are.""You are forcing me to think about the same, Dane. Thank you for the word, too. Worthless." Athena scoffed. "But...don't you think we should start investigating?" "How would we do that if we can't even track where it has come from? The monster wouldn't open it's mouth even by a bit. It's...resisting every torture method, healing at the speed of light. No drugs work on it either because it isn't from earth. There are several earth element users who kept it locke
Latest Chapter
Old Man was murdered!
Seems like the Eliminator had noticed them! Upon seeing Alex and Dane rush up towards him, the monster shapeshifted into human skin bites its bottom lip. 'Why aren't we allowed to use our powers here again?' Asked Dane to Athena.'Because we don't want to cause panic within the audience. Besides, did i just hear that right? Old Man was murdered and was left to rot?''Yeah. That's the base of what Alex said. Besides, we're chasing it now. It's walking towards some little hallway. We hope we can catch up.''Right. Chadwick is coming your way too. Don't let the monster escape again. Even if we have to tear this place down with a fight, we will. That monster needs to be taken down at all costs.' Said Athena in their joint resonance.'Understood.' Replying to her instructions in unison, the group dispersed to corner the monster. To catch it and enquire a lot, lot things about it's species.'It's gone into the hallway. Dane has eyes on it.''You know it's going to disappear in a flash, rig
Old Man
"Might as well begin searching for him in the crowd if that's the case. If it can shapeshift...so should we. It's main target, is me." Dane concludes. Athena sighs as she tries to explain the situation to Dane."How do I know what is the real monster if I can't even sense it? This is a ridiculous job.""That's weird coming from you, Athena." Dane furrowed his eyebrows."Lady Athena seems different today. What happened to you, Lady Athena?" "Shouldn't I feel bothered that this monster is slowly becoming much untraceable and powerful than us? It's uncanny. It shouldn't be this way. Hunting is supposed to just...happen. All of this doesn't happen in Monster Hunting." Alex clicks his tongue at Athena's words."Well, welcome to the world of brains then. We use it to hunt, too." Dane wanted to laugh at how witty Alex had sounded. But he knew his own lover would be disappointed with him. Sulking in a corner and all."Whatever. Just let me know what are we doing to hunt this monster down."
Downgrading to trace
Dane was about to walk away when Athena quickly reached out for his arm. Looking over his shoulder, he spoke."I'm going to go there alone, Athena. No one can stop me. Not you either." "I know I can't stop you. He's got on our nerves for sure. But what you can do is let us on this mission as well. You, me, Charlize, Makio and Joule. Maybe Johan and Luke Crysalis too." "What about Chadwick?" Dane immediately enquired."Him too. Because we need to travel at the speed of light, to chase that monster down. Now, I know this monster looks like it likes to play games, but isn't that too much for a mere monster? I feel as if we're trying to hunt nothing.""You think it'll be an easy task because it's a bloody, low grade monster, Athena?" Turning around, Dane looked into her eyes. She nods softly."But weren't you the one who's told me 'never underestimate your opponents'?" "Right...thank you for humbling me." The woman was clearly annoyed. She walked past him while Dane lifts his head to l
"We've lost it! I can't believe we lost it!" Dane held himself back from punching or even stomping the ground for he could demolish the whole building, taking down the residents of it with himself. "You need to calm down, Dane.""The fuck I cannot, Dane. It's an important asset! A new kind that has become such a menace! You know how menacing lightspeed is yourself. And it's punches, it's fight is at least Athena's level."'Liz, I hope you're keeping track of where this monster goes, right?' 'You mean by seeing who it kills next? I'm keeping the face match on.''Okay. The moment you know it's killed someone...and drank their blood. Let me know. At this point, if it keeps killing monster hunters with powers, it'll grow undefeatable. I'm afraid even I—''What are you talking about? That's not the prophecy I know about you! Stop yapping like a child and come back here so we can send you back to where it'll attack next.''Yes.'"You heard her, right Chad?""Yeah. At times of dilemma, yo
A new Kind of monster
Furrowing his eyebrows, Dane didn't really get the signal from Dylan. Why would he need to a build a new counter attack in the robots if monster hunters were more than enough to end monsters?"It's simple logic, thick-skull. My warriors don't have resonances. Chimera do, not my warriors." Dane felt like the most stupid imp ever. Sitting down on the chair again, he questioned Dylan, yet again. "So what do you plan on doing with these?""Create stability. Some monsters could evolve to hide their resonances from us. But my warriors will distinguish them by their attitude. It's easier to find a monster in a crowd full of people than find a human in a crowd full of monsters." Dane jumped his eyebrows at Dylan Dian."That's very much true. And oddly...philosophical. Well, I give you permission to upgrade every single one of them and send them across the globe. Or do you test the prototype first?" "The latter, then the first suggestion. I'd send them without your permission or grant anyway.
Someone is fooling us
Around three weeks after the incident, the monster hunting headquarters was stable with minimal case reports recorded ever. There were barely any monsters emerging from the dead and deed. It felt...blissful."How many cases today?" To the beeping sounds of machines, Charlize asks as she sits over the cushion of a chair opposite to it. Munching on a small snack she could afford from a vending machine, she placed her legs on the desk and waited for the numbers to show up."45 since morning, huh? Well, it's evening already." Charlize then looked down at her lap."Or is this a sign that something big is coming, again? Like the calm before a storm?" "What are you mumbling to yourself there, love?" Dylan Dian speaks after hearing her from the distance. "Thank you for the tea, Dylan." The man chuckles at how she dismisses him. "It's not the calm before the storm. Trust me. This is...peace." Charlize stares into his grey eyes as he nods."Believe it or not. With the power we now have, mons
Everyday is a war
"Did you...hear her?" Holding the glass of champagne in his hand, Dane turned to the sound of her. She looked normal, but her heart was thudding out of her chest. Walking into his embrace as they view the ocean, breathing its mist, Athena waits for his response."I did. I am not shaken. This doesn't feel like new information for me. That power...it seemed alien in many ways." Explained he."I see. Even I couldn't...""Don't think about it, Athena. It's going to keep killing you until you finally realize how worthless you are.""You are forcing me to think about the same, Dane. Thank you for the word, too. Worthless." Athena scoffed. "But...don't you think we should start investigating?" "How would we do that if we can't even track where it has come from? The monster wouldn't open it's mouth even by a bit. It's...resisting every torture method, healing at the speed of light. No drugs work on it either because it isn't from earth. There are several earth element users who kept it locke
There are more tiers
'So that is what you meant...alright.'He breathes calmly and runs his finger along the blade which glows black. The slash he made through the monster's chest defeated it, but it was kept alive. "I believe you are made of water as well. Let me manipulate your molecules to follow my command..." Dane's Force-Human form brought darkness to the clouds. His powers were...increasing. "I feel a nasty amount of Force oozing out of him. What did he do...?" Joule asked Makio Chen. The woman shook her head, having no idea of what she saw either. "I don't know what is going on, but it looks like Dane just won." Keeping his eye on the monster, Dane slowly turned his gaze to look at Athena. She just stood, recovered from her injuries as she stared at him. He flew towards her, slowly getting his human self back."Hi..." he slowly uttered to greet her yet again. They've been apart for a few days, but it felt like an eternity. "See. Like I said...it's just the beginning. This thing inside me...it
The monster turned around, having had a layer of its back blasted off by Dane. It smirked, looking at his levitating figure with amusement like no other."So you are finally here...""Yes. I am. You called me here. You summoned me here...by hurting the people I love the most.""Oh? Her? You're talking about this...wimp?" Dane glared at the monster who picked up Athena again. The poor woman was already in pain, her muscles and bones shifting to recover. The monster crushes her again, almost bursting her head off. Dane couldn't tolerate her blood curdling scream. He went straight into the monster's face!However, the monster's speed was such a menace...even for him! 'This is bad...I can't risk getting you to take my form either. You don't have enough energy yourself.''You're a fool if you think I can't grow stronger. Did you forget I am literally a part of the universe? Let me stay still for a while, I will absorb some force for you.''You...can do that?''When I'm in shape myself,