Chapter thirty-eight

"Mr Maxwell, we can talk about this. Please have a seat and let's discuss" Mr Cooper smiled even though he was hurting.

Dylan was beyond shocked, he clenched his fist so hard and didn't notice that his knuckles had already gone pale.

"Stay out of this Dylan" Mr Cooper warned, not wanting him to screw it up again.

Authur said casually. "Is there anything you want to say, Mr Cooper? You have just five minutes to speak."

Mr Cooper swallowed back his spit, he wasn't prepared for that and he never expected the new owner to be Mr Maxwell.

"Can you please give us a week…we are not really prepared for this." Mr Cooper stammered as he spoke.

Authur gave him a look of disdain. "Are you trying to go against my orders?"

"No, it's just that I need some time to announce to the press and inform them about the new ownership of Angel's Haven." Mr Cooper tried his best to convince him.

Authur snapped at him. "Twenty-four hours, you have less than twenty-four hours to get things done! I don't care how
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