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Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A big Problem in a strange world 5
The shuriken dagger in my hand felt very different than when I used it during our last encounter with King Rudolf; it almost felt more like a toy now after being struck many times with heavy weapons such as swords or axes—and it looked less than impressive at first glance compared to the longsword hanging from my waist at the moment. It didn't feel strong enough to hold back another swordsman just yet considering how sharp those blades were and how fast they moved at their owners' command once again despite their master wearing nothing except underwear on his body! And if we weren't attacked by others right away, that could be changed quite easily if they tried attacking me personally which would make things much easier for me if I wanted to fight them...or use my abilities without feeling the need for self-defense anymore. So why hadn't I brought these thoughts up to Lady Elianna before? Why was I so reluctant to even mention anything related to fighting anyone? Wasn't this exactly w
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A big problem in a strange world 6
He smiled calmly at me now after taking another quick look through my clothes—although nothing else seemed to be different now than before since we weren't inside the palace yet—and then stepped back in order to give Lady Elianna room again in case she decided to attack him in response to her family members' earlier behavior towards us both...or simply in order to protect her from them if necessary even though she didn't seem too worried about any physical threat currently coming from her family despite what had happened during our last meeting with Yin's parents yesterday evening and what they tried to do against us today.Lady Elianna didn't let go of my hand and kept walking along with me as if wanting to stay by my side no matter what, and that was a very good sign because it meant that she trusted me completely for whatever reason or that she was prepared for a fight between all three families involved here so that the future fate of the empire might finally be free once more; I
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A big problem in a strange world 7
I noticed a new set of emotions growing inside of Yin's mother while looking between me and Lady Elianna. "Is that true?" Her voice sounded more worried now than before as she looked back at her husband; her gaze appeared almost apologetic despite how strong she had acted up until now. It made sense considering how important this meeting with her parents must have been to Yin herself—at least until everything turned out to be a trap—since it meant that the two women standing next to us would take an interest in us for good or for bad given our current situation no matter what the outcome would be from here onwards. But I wished we could've taken the opportunity offered by the first night together after we'd finally arrived in Kyoto in order to talk without being interrupted, at least briefly and directly, although we'd already exhausted every possible topic of conversation. The words spoken during our last intimate moment alone had changed me completely since then, however, and even t
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A big problem in a strange world 8
"That is none of your business," Lady Elianna's mother answered him in Japanese using a firm voice in order to prevent Yin from answering her father's question at the same time. "And you must never speak of it again." She sounded almost desperate even though it was obvious enough why Yin's father would ask the question, however, so she didn't need to. "I told you before that she doesn't want to stay here forever anymore anyway, right?" The woman turned around suddenly, so that she could look straight at me instead, and looked back at Yin's father who finally smiled nervously when he realized what he'd just missed out on: his daughter giving up on staying in her family's estate permanently. It seemed like he hadn't expected her to say anything different about leaving home ever since arriving in Japan because he immediately relaxed and started talking again with his wife rather than his daughter in spite of having no idea what they both might be discussing together behind our backs for
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A big problem in a strange world 9
Yin's father looked straight at his daughter. "So you will marry Lord Simeon then?"She remained silent again. What kind of response was this? This couldn't be good news. If she said yes—and it sounded like she had—then they might just be willing to give up trying to stop us from leaving their estate this very moment since she obviously wouldn't get another chance to change the man she chose for the rest of her life. I wouldn't force her into doing so though. I wouldn't let my brother bully me around as much as he did when I was younger in order to protect himself against all kinds of dangers as he always did even though he wasn't an easy person to deal with in spite of how brave he could appear whenever necessary...The father waited several seconds until his wife also spoke, probably looking towards Yin before replying once more in English. She seemed desperate to prevent him from speaking out loud on such matters without thinking about the consequences although I suspected that the
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A big problem in a strange world 10
Yin remained silent which meant that neither side would move unless one party was willing to surrender and give up while the others continued speaking until they were satisfied with something or perhaps gave up waiting altogether because the decision belonged to me only at that point...although my reply seemed like nothing more than an attempt at appeasing them both with my response although it wouldn't prevent either woman from trying anything once we left their house later on today in order to stop me from leaving! There was absolutely no reason to believe otherwise. In fact, if we managed to leave without anyone trying to physically stop us then Yin might decide to go with us anyway; she wanted to get away from her family as much as I did. It was true that she had agreed to marry me under certain conditions which I needed to explain to her sooner rather than later as soon as possible now that things had turned out this way after everything I'd said earlier this evening since there
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse A big problem in a strange world 11
"That's enough! This conversation ends now or I won't allow either of my parents to take part in it anymore regardless of their decision regarding how far they wish to go over this issue or if I ever want to marry anyone other than Lord Simeon no matter when the two of you die or if they'll keep living together for the rest of their lives just because they love each other even though neither of you knew anything about Yin being interested in someone else before the wedding was supposed to happen!" She glared at her mother as she continued: "There's nothing wrong with having feelings for someone else and falling out of love with your intended husband later on despite knowing better, especially when he's never done anything to make you feel differently. Don't forget that although I know my family much better than any of you do. In fact, my brother doesn't seem all too happy with my choice of bride right now given that he keeps trying to push me towards another man instead."She turned t
Mafia Boss In The Multiverse Before the birth of another daughter
While Queen Shpresa was lying on the bed in the hospital room in that strange world, the little baby in her womb was able to see the future of the world and those who would be important to her.Although she did not know it, she had begun to synchronize with that world devoid of gods, becoming a goddess herself like her sister.After two days of waiting in that place, a portal opened and Killian along with her other wives arrived, as did little Brianna who felt the awakening of her sister as a goddess, so a smile formed on the little girl her mouth.Killian who was looking at Shpresa scratched his chin "It was difficult to find them but I think we made it on time, Alicia prepares everything for the delivery in this place.I believe my daughter decided the world she wants to claim as her own, once the delivery is done we will set up a rally point in this place for her to begin world domination when she grows up."After those words, everything was prepared for the birth of Killian Flanag
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Monica's rescue and the new reality
In a warehouse in the city of Strawberry Monica was sitting in a small cell looking only at an artificial light coming through the door to enter the cell. Monica, despite being tied up, was not worried because she knew that her husband would free her from that place without much trouble, so she just closed her eyes and waited patiently. While this was happening in another part of the city, Killian, who was smoking a cigarette, carefully looked at a map of an old warehouse while a group of men in bulletproof suits were preparing their weapons. "Gentlemen, my wife was kidnapped by a small group of idiots who think they can touch my authority at this time." Killian pointed to an entry on the floor plan of the old warehouse "Unfortunately for those idiots we completely control this city so we have to finish them off immediately.We will enter through this secondary entrance from the basement of the building where we will slowly go up to the second floor where my wife is, I want it to b
The final abrupt change
Marie who was enjoying the sun on a deckchair, took off her glasses when she realized that a change in the multiverse was happening in a strange way, so she took a deep breath.She used her power to analyze what was happening. The first thing she noticed was that the changes were caused by Killian Flanagan's two daughters, since the girls had already established themselves as goddesses.Although her power was strong, they were nothing compared to her, but the most curious thing is that she could feel the energy of Man altering the order of the multiverse."That bastard should be trying to do something weird, but what he's trying to accomplish is altering a little mistake like Killian Flanagan and his daughters.There is no point in initiating a change in the multiverse unless he tries to create a multiversal reset event but doing so would change everything to the point of no return creating a multiversal paradox.The damage would be self-destructive for him and for us but if he did it
The search of Monica 6
"I am a dwarf.""And you are telling me this why?" asked the man, turning towards Kalendeen who shook his head quickly. "What is this about? Why have you come here? What do you want? Who sent you? Do not answer any questions until I have told you who I will allow answers to!" He turned back towards Hector and Zara once again before gesturing for them to move away to stand next to Thaddeus near one of the walls; each of them placed so that they were all facing forward to make it easier for him to watch both groups simultaneously. His son stared blankly ahead with his arms folded across his chest, refusing to meet anyone's gaze even while watching carefully over every little movement. The general waited silently beside him with his hands resting on his hips. There was no sound other than the shuffling of feet as men stood around pretending to be busy while listening to what was happening in front of them."You say you wish to talk but refuse to listen…" continued the king as he walked s
The search of Monica 5
"I am General Kalendeen," he said. "This is my son, Thaddeus. My second-in-command, Lieutenant Robert. There is only one person we can trust within this kingdom, and that is King Ataulf. His majesty is aware that you have returned, and has ordered me to give you a warm welcome. You may also be pleased to hear that the rest of your friends are waiting inside.""My apologies, General, but I'm not sure what you mean by a 'warm' welcome.""There's no need to be rude.""Rude? I don't think I've ever been called ruder than when I was told I'd received an invitation into somebody else's home without so much as so much as a small drink or two of water offered up along with it! Now, I have come all the way across the world without any sleep whatsoever, risking my life at every turn as well as facing threats which would make any sane soldier wet himself in terror… and now, having finally reached the castle gates, I find myself standing outside on a stone floor wearing nothing more than rags and
The search of Monica 4
"How many people live here?" asked the princess before shrugging as she tried hard to think back on what she could remember from the books she'd read while they sat on that small island near Nilo's capital city. It hadn't taken her long to realise that she was most likely never going to have a chance to read any more books after leaving that place, but that didn't mean she was going to let her past life slip out of her memory either. She found herself wondering how many books existed and whether anybody still remembered any of them, or if all those stories would one day fade like stars slowly dying within the vastness of space or the tales of gods and heroes turning into myths and legends told and retold until they eventually disappeared completely forever. The girl decided not to dwell on the idea too much as she walked beside Regin instead as the dwarves strode across the road without ever appearing worried about who might be watching.The two men stood close together with Hector wh
The search of Monica 3
Hector scowled, glanced across the road into the distance, then looked back and forth between the two dwarves and the princess before muttering darkly under his breath, "That won't be enough to keep them distracted, you know…" His tone was uncertain but it didn't sound as if he really cared either way anymore since none of this had happened yet. Not in this world anyway; maybe things would be different when he got home again in just a few minutes or hours or days.Skraffi ignored him, instead leaning forwards and kissing Zara on the cheek, earning a surprised squeak and a gasp of shock from the girl. "Thank you," he said after letting her go. "We'll get back to you soon with an answer to your questions about what exactly is going on here and why my sister has been taken away for her own protection."Regin rolled his eyes at the younger dwarf as he put a hand over his heart to salute Zara before taking hold of his shoulder. "You are very welcome," replied the prince politely before loo
The search of Monica 2
Regin looked at Zara and she gave him a reassuring smile. She had seen enough already today. He turned his attention back to Skraffi. "What about your magic?""Hmmm, what did you have in mind?" asked the dwarf."A distraction," replied Regin, thinking quickly. "One which you can produce at the same time as you set the guards on the far side of the castle chasing after the wrong people."Skraffi frowned slightly before he nodded. "That shouldn't be too hard. All I need is someone to go along with me." He pointed towards Hector and Hrobar. "I'm sure I could find someone who's willing to accompany us; perhaps they'd like to follow my instructions so that they know exactly where they should lead these men away from… unless they'd rather stay and help you keep guard against any intruders trying to enter this place through another entrance while we search for my sister… ?"The companions glanced between each other for only a moment, then both shook their heads. "We'll leave it up to you how
The search of Monica 1
"No need for tears," said Hrobar reassuringly. "You've got us here, after all. There are plenty more people out there whose hearts have already been broken on account of what you told us today; now we'll do our best not to add to your troubles!"Regin stared up into space as if trying to find answers in a cloudy sky full of mist; he was thinking about his sister Zara and her brother Luca both having to suffer so much misfortune within a short time of meeting, because the King had sent them off to war together, while also wondering whether the mysterious stranger might turn up sooner or later to put matters right again."What does any of it matter?" asked Skraffi. "I'm just glad I wasn't one of those guards standing guard outside the gates when it happened." He raised his cup high into the air. "To Queen Anirul's daughter!" he cried. "May she be blessed forever by the gods above!"Hector joined in the toast, clapping his hands together until everyone else did likewise and began chantin
Journey to get Monica Back 4/4
Killian and his daughter Yuki arrived in a strange world where they watched a woman and a man talk, seeing them for a moment, little Yuki realized that there was no trace of her mother Monica.So Killian looked at the couple and was waved goodbye as he went to another world to look for Monica.In the deep desert east of Thebes two thousand miles from the Nile stood a mountain named Sai. On its peak was built an ancient temple to Hathor, goddess of motherhood and joy, where once every twelve years pilgrims came seeking her blessing on their journey through life. It was said that all those who passed under the giant gates had been touched by the love of Goddess Hathor. All except one man whose name has long since been lost in time, but it is known that he lived as king among them for seven days and nights, with no water or food save what his companions gave him. In exchange they demanded that he give up all that he held dear so that when they finally left at dawn's first light none woul