
~ Daryn ~

I found myself standing beside an unconscious Daemon who laid upon a pile of books.

"What happened?", I asked.

With a grunt, his eyes flickered until he shot a steady gaze at me for a minute before managing to get back on his feet.

Wearing a frown on his face, he asked, "Dude...are you okay?"

"I-I don't know...I feel kind of weird, like my mind was swallowed by darkness", I answered.

I honestly didn't understand what happened; it felt as though there were missing gaps in my memories, and no matter how hard I tried to recall them, nothing came through.

"How did you step into section 118 without getting plunged by the invisible barrier?", he asked.

My face crumpled into a deep frown at the sound of his words. All I could remember was that I blacked out immediately the lights went off, nothing more.

"I was here the whole time...I don't remember stepping into section 118", I argued.

"Then how did you get that book?"

That was when my attention became drawn to the strange l
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