Day 2
Author: Arch Angel
last update2023-05-31 06:38:36

I awoke with a start, gripping my staff tight; forgetting where I was for a few seconds. After I managed to calm my beating heart and let the fear drain away, I sat up in the pitch dark room. I recalled there being a candle somewhere in the room but I had my wind up flashlight, so I pulled that out instead. I could tell it was still late at night or early morning, as no light seeped through the door to help illuminate the darkness.

At this point I knew I wasn't getting back to sleep so I pulled out my little pocket knife and started carving rough runic figures into a piece of scrap wood, I had carved these symbols since I was a child learning them from my father when I was little. Whenever I needed to relax or let my mind calm down and didn't have access to any other outlets, carving the designs helped. I remember my father saying they were for good luck and I could use some of that right now, even if it was only a placebo effect.

I carved the symbol into a chunk of wood that had been lying in the corner forgotten by some previous tenant. I slowly carved the simple Celtic rune for what seemed like an hour focusing on only the motions I was making with my knife and letting the rest of the world drift by when I got a notification.

Congratulations on rediscovering the lost art of rune crafting. You may not be the first person on your planet to rediscover this lost art, but you are the first to use this set of runic symbols. Reward 2000XP

I just stared dumbfounded at the notice and the XP. While not enough to level up it was a significant portion of XP even for my level as my bar moved noticeably. Now I wondered what the actual runes I scratched out actually did. I looked at the board, hoping Identify would somehow tell me but got nothing. I sat there thinking for a bit.

'Maybe I can try and equip it as a weapon?'

I went ahead and tried and got the following message.

You have equipped runic stick, 1-4 bludgeoning damage, luck plus .05

"Ha take that system," I said triumphantly, fist-pumping the air.

You have learned the runic combination for a weak minor luck enhancement.

I was now able to see known runic combinations on a tab in my menu.

Weak Minor Luck Enhancement - can increase luck up to .5

Hmm, I assumed that the paltry luck boost was either due to the item or my shoddily scribed runes. I would have to practice some more before I put them on anything of value. I also needed to find more combinations. I thought about where I could acquire information on a lost art and settled on one location, The Public Library. If I remembered correctly it was about seven blocks to the west. I wondered if it was still intact. I would check it out in the morning. At least that is what I had intended, a knock on my door at the crack of dawn woke me up again. I must have fallen asleep sitting up and my back was complaining mightily.

"Just a minute," I said to my visitor.

I stood and stretched my abused muscles, popping my back, and letting out a yawn. Hopefully, this would convey to the rude early morning caller that I was annoyed. I opened the door.


It was my silent chaperone Quinton.

"The Commander wishes to see you and I was sent to guide you to him."

"What, now? It's a bit early isn't it?"

All I got back was silence. I swear someone lobotomized the humor from this man.

"Fine, let me get dressed," I said, ignoring his protest that I was dressed enough. I just shut the door on him and put on my damaged armor and the hoodie over it. I even picked up my backpack managing to tie my staff into some of the side webbings. Making Quinton wait gave me immense pleasure. I knew I was being childish but that's what they get for waking me up so early.

After about ten minutes I stepped outside the room smiling at Quinton who had a scowl on his face, "Lead the way."

As expected Quinton lead the way in silence to a one-story brick building. It was the only building I had seen in the barracks with windows. It looked very utilitarian in design. Quinton led me down a hallway and knocked on a door.

"Enter," the voice from the other side replied.

Quinton saluted with a chest thump as he entered, "Mister Paul is here to see you as requested Commander."

"Very well, show him in."

I rolled my eyes at the pomp and entered the room after he waved me inside. He closed it behind him as he left.

"Have a seat, Mister Paul," the Commander said, motioning me to a seat across from his desk.

"It's just Paul," I reiterated, sitting down in the offered chair after I set my backpack off to the side.

The man just glared at me and I decided to keep my mouth closed.

"I have asked you here today to see if you would be willing to perform a task for the Royal Guard, that as a native you are uniquely suited towards. As you are likely aware the locals in the area are not inclined towards assisting us and in most cases are outright hostile towards my men."

I nodded, guessing that most people in this town saw them as invaders and if it's one thing American's couldn't stand was someone trying to tell them what they could or could not do. Even though this was what our government and law enforcement did daily. Hey, I never said we were smart people.

"What we require is a resupply and a way to contact our home."

"Why not use a message scroll?" I asked confused.

"We have sent a message back to our leaders but without knowing where we were we can't tell them how to retrieve us. To accomplish this goal we need to reach the Bazaar where we can acquire our spatial coordinates to provide this to our leadership."

I noticed he didn't mention what they would do with this information and to be honest I didn't care. I couldn't afford to stay in this town and if the people wanted to be petulant, at those at least trying to help they only had themselves to blame. Of course, the Royal Guard could end up turning this area into their territory, and that might not be all that bad. I thought that unlikely though as I remembered Frathsar saying it was expensive to transport people. So if they really wanted to control the area they would have to recruit locals to help out. For example like they were trying to do with me right now.

"Ok so what do you need me for?"

"Your knowledge of the countryside and cities mostly, but also as a guide for one of my men so they can access the Bazaar and secure the information I require."

"And what's in it for me?"

"I could say my gratitude would be sufficient compensation, but I don't think you would accept that as it seems your world was quite materialistic."

I choked out a laugh, "Spare me your haughty indignation, we both know our respective worlds run on currency and trade which wouldn't exist without both sides being materialistic."

"Very well, upon completion of your mission, you will receive 1500 credits. I assume this is sufficient for your needs?" The Commander said snidely.

"So all I have to do is get your man to the Bazaar?"


"Let me think about it, I have some business in town for a few days anyway."

"Fine, I will clear your stay with the gate guards."

I got up to leave but decided to ask one more question.

"Why me specifically, I know you have other locals here, I have seen them myself."

"Because Mister Paul, you are the highest level local we have come across other than the gangs and Frathsar vouched for you, which is no small thing."

I would have to thank the scaly merchant later. Then my mind registered what else he said.

"Wait, what gangs?"

I thought it odd that gangs had magically appeared on the very first day of the system. Something didn't feel quite right about that.

"We have come across three groups of armed natives. They are antagonistic towards each other and us. Some of them have reached level eleven, from our last scouting report yesterday."

"While we can't be sure, these people's meteoric rise in level is likely from ambushing other natives that didn't understand the system, as well as the local wildlife. I don't know of any other way to gain levels that quickly, other than killing sentient beings. Since they give a larger chunk of experience."

I had a distinct feeling he was talking from experience on that one.

"I would have had you executed for murder, if not for Frathsar's adamance that you harmed no civilians. Although, I would still like to know how you leveled to six by yourself in only a day Mr. Mantra Enchanter."

The Commander's words left a chill down my spine as I left his office, I did not doubt that the man would have cut me down in an instant if he thought I was going around killing civilians to power level. Even the thought of doing that made me sick, the fact that these gangs were going around doing it made me want to explode. It was always the same story, those with power would do everything in their power to maintain that.

I needed to be careful about these gangs, if what the Commander said was accurate then there were some high leveled individuals running around town killing anyone they came across just to level. I knew this new world was going to be survival of the fittest but people should still be given a chance to succeed without their fellow man cutting them down like chaff.

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