This was when I got my first good look at the commander as he removed his helmet. He looked like a grizzled human in his early forties if I had to guess. Sharp jawline and short cut black hair with grey streaks along the sides and piercing green eyes. I took the chance to glance at the other soldiers I could see. They all appeared to be human. The ones with the Commander appeared to be slightly younger than him, perhaps closer to my age, although, with my minor tweaks from the system I looked to be in my mid-twenties now instead of my late thirties. I wonder what my friends would think if they could see me.
"Good, good. Before you go Frathsar, I wish to discuss something with you. If you could follow me to my office.""Certainly Commander, Paul, I will meet up with you later."I just nodded at the pair as they walked away and I followed the stonily silent Quinton, a man of middling height and dark brown hair that was matted in sweat from his helmet. As we walked he just pointed at certain buildings."Food hall.""Washroom.""Bunks."I wasn't able to get another word out of the tight-lipped man. What a bore. He waved me inside at the Bunks and I was surprised to see separate rooms and not the normal military-style everybody bunks together type of layout. The building stood three stories tall with what must have been forty rooms per floor if I had to guess."Choose a room that has a key hanging by it. Do not enter another's room without being invited or you will be kicked from the compound. If you steal or start a fight you will be kicked from the compound," he said looking at me, daring me to ask him a question. I just nodded and walked down the hall to find a room.I didn't choose the first room available instead I walked until I found a room that had vacant rooms all around it. I opened the door with the key and stepped inside. It was a simple room with a small dresser and a single bed with a pillow and blanket. I took off my backpack setting it next to the dresser. I set my staff down against it as well. Then I sat on the bed."Well, not the most comfortable accommodations but it will do," I said quietly.I sat on the bed, hands on my knees, trying to suppress the shaking. The stress of the day finally breaking through my mental dam. How had I thought I was ready for something like this. This was nuts, I was crazy. My mind went over every mistake I made today, every time I almost died and I almost collapsed in despair.After letting my emotions out for a while I forced my traitorous mind away from those dark thoughts. I was treating this like a game, I knew it wasn't but it had allowed me to get through the day. While this new world was dangerous, the way to survive was to continue to grow and for that to happen I would need to place myself in danger again.I hadn't found anyone I trusted with my safety more than myself. Except maybe these Royal Guard, but they gave me an awfully chilly reception and I didn't fully trust their motives. Sure it seemed like they were doing some good by saving a few locals, and killing roaming monsters but at the end of the day they had to do what was best for them.I also needed to figure out what I wanted from this new life. It wasn't like my old desk job would be waiting for me when I returned home. There were just so many possibilities. While I found that I was beginning to enjoy combat, I didn't really want to spend the rest of my life at it. I lay like this for a good hour unable to fall asleep before a soft knock at my door disturbed my melancholy mood."Just a minute," I said casting a quick Rejuvenate on myself to clear any redness from my face. The spell did make me feel better.I stood up and straightened my bedraggled shirt wondering why I bothered because I was still sporting the hole in the center of it. I should have changed clothes, I had two sets in my bag from my camping trip. Oh well, it would have to wait. I went over and opened the door."Ah greetings Paul," Frathsar said in delight, "Would you care to grab some food with me? If you would like I can give you some time to clean and change?" He said, glancing down at my attire and wrinkling his nostrils."Sure, yeah that would be for the best. Do you want me to meet you at the food hall?""That would be fine, see you in 20 minutes?""Sounds doable, see you then."Frathsar smiled and walked back down the hallway. I accessed my inventory grabbing my camping soaps a change of clothes and my towel."Never leave home without my trusty towel," I said to myself thinking of one of my favorite books.I cleaned up in record time, having ice-cold water to wash with will do that for you and went to meet Frathsar. I found the Merchant waiting outside the food hall chatting with a few people. He looked towards me and waved as I approached."Take care gentlemen," I heard him say to the others, as they walked away."Greetings Paul, are you feeling better after your bath and a change of clothes?""You know what, I am feeling much better. Kind of wished for a shower but oh well, beggars can't be choosers.""Shall we," Frathsar said, motioning me ahead. I nodded to the merchant and we headed into the food hall.Related Chapters
Mana System In The Apocalypse Merchants
I grabbed a plate of what looked like oatmeal along with a hard bread roll and a slice of mystery meat. We sat down opposite each other at a long wooden table."So, why the dinner invitation?" I asked not in the mood for small talk, having a feeling the merchant wanted something from me."Actually, wait before that, why is everyone here human and why is everyone patrolling in full plate?"Frathsar smiled, "This is why I like you, Paul, you cut straight to the point. Yes everyone here is human; the Asharon Kingdom is a mainly human-occupied territory and there are few non-human citizens. As with most kingdoms, they restrict sensitive positions to families of nobility or those with great wealth. As for the full plate, I'm not sure. Could be because of your people's guns, bullets can still kill people at great range if you can hit a weak spot like the eyes. Although, you would need to ask the Commander to find out for certain."Well, that might explain all the sullen and unhappy looks I
Mana System In The Apocalypse Day 2
I awoke with a start, gripping my staff tight; forgetting where I was for a few seconds. After I managed to calm my beating heart and let the fear drain away, I sat up in the pitch dark room. I recalled there being a candle somewhere in the room but I had my wind up flashlight, so I pulled that out instead. I could tell it was still late at night or early morning, as no light seeped through the door to help illuminate the darkness.At this point I knew I wasn't getting back to sleep so I pulled out my little pocket knife and started carving rough runic figures into a piece of scrap wood, I had carved these symbols since I was a child learning them from my father when I was little. Whenever I needed to relax or let my mind calm down and didn't have access to any other outlets, carving the designs helped. I remember my father saying they were for good luck and I could use some of that right now, even if it was only a placebo effect.I carved the symbol into a chunk of wood that had been
Mana System In The Apocalypse A Book In The Hand
I left the safety of the barracks fort, turning down the offer to have one of Commander Smithson's men accompany me. I didn't want one of those uptight pricks hampering my ability to heal and avoid combat, they weren't exactly stealthy in full plate. So I set off at a jog to the south, I was going to take a circuitous route to my destination. It might take me longer but I was more likely to lose any tails they placed on me.As soon as I was out of sight of the wall I buffed myself with my long term buffs. I waited a minute in the alcove of a storefront to recover mana and then cast the rest of my buffs. Since I was alone again I wanted to be fully prepared. I knew I had a decent chance against a level 10 opponent one on one but had to be careful not to be overwhelmed by multiple enemies.Then something I had thought odd the day before bubbled up in my mind. All of the groups Frathsar and I had come across had been small 3 to 6 individuals at most. The only group larger had been the Co
Mana System In The Apocalypse Damages
The one that remained a little ways back turned to run and I smashed him in the side of his knee with an Earth Fist. I wasn't about to let these men escape to harm others if I could help it. He went down screaming as his leg snapped at an odd angle."You wait there, I will be right with you," I said with a deadly edge to my voice, not even bothering to inspect the piece of trash."You will regret messing with the Black Dragons, you have no idea who you're messing with," the man with the broken leg managed to yell between cries of pain."Ha Black Dragons, more like Puff the Magic Dragon."The one with the mangled hand tried to pull a knife and stab me. I just hopped back and unloaded my last 9mm magazine. He went down in a heap bleeding but not dead, yet. I needed a better ranged-weapon. I crushed his windpipe and left him to suffer like his other friend while I dealt with the leader who was crawling away."Why does everyone try to crawl away, where do you think you are going to get to
Mana System In The Apocalypse Travel Partner
I awoke early the next day, my dreams dominated by the faces of the three men I killed the day before, leaving me weary having woken up from the nightmares multiple times. It was worse than the nightmares I suffered after my family's death. If those were any indication they would haunt my dreams for years to come.I packed everything and was ready for my departure when I received another visitor. It was Fiona Clark, a rather unassuming looking woman with dirty blonde hair. She was wearing a metal cuirass with shoulder guards but other than that her armor consisted of supple leather. I guess she was my travel companion and she didn't look happy, great."Bring your weapon and meet me in the training yard," she said and left.'Geez, she could have said hi or introduced herself or something,' I thought in irritation. If it wasn't for my Identify skill I wouldn't even have know who she was.Fiona Clark | Sword Dancer | Level 12She was the low
Mana System In The Apocalypse Encounter
"That is an oddity of the world I came from. Most advanced technologies didn't seem to work well on our planet, that and the fact that most guns like your rifle or pistol do little damage in the grand scheme of things means people were better off utilizing primitive tech and armor for the stat bonuses.""There are certain mana fueled technologies that did work and were starting to appear on the market but they are prohibitively expensive for most people. My mana pistol is one example but you would need to supply these types of items with the mana unless you have a mana battery or generator to power it.""Your world is different. It seems from everything I have seen that technology and magic will coexist just fine here."Have you noticed any working tech?" he asked questioningly.I shrugged and pulled out the wind-up flashlight from my small bag that I carried with me now."I have this," I said winding up the device and turning it on.
Mana System In The Apocalypse Little journey
I got back to the car and ignored the surly woman for a few minutes. The hood popped open and I pulled it up. Everything looked intact and it should start. I turned the key but no power. I found some loose wire and connected it to either battery terminal then touched them together. Not so much as a spark."Well, that answers my question.""Good now we can quit wasting time and keep moving."I rounded on the woman, "What is your problem?"She just ignored my question and started back down the road. The woman appeared to be a bit jumpy like she had never left the safety of a town before. I thought this was why her behavior was so odd. Not for the first time I wished the Commander had sent someone else with me. We walked for another hour before the land changed for the extreme.Terrain that should have been mostly flat farmland with small groups of trees dotting the landscape turned into sharp rock outcroppings and deep gorges that looked li
Mana System In The Apocalypse Betrayed
I slowly opened my eyes, realizing I must have passed out from the pain. My head still pounded and I still couldn't move. I glanced at my health and saw it had gone up to 23 in the time I had been unconscious. I didn't want to do the math but I had to figure out how long I had been lying here, assuming my health had not dropped below the 12 I had before I lost consciousness. I figured I was out less than an hour.My head was now clear enough now to cast Rejuvenate and I was certainly glad for the ability to cast silently as even those small movements caused me pain, I couldn't imagine the pain a word of power would cause as it affected my entire body. I tried casting Cleanse as well to see if it would clear my head some more but there was no noticeable effect. I repeated casting Rejuvenate when it came off cooldown until my arm snapped back into place.Now that my free arm was healed I could cast Healing Touch.This was the one downside of the spell. It could be cast on anyone within
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Fight For Affection
Was the person in the mirror really Henry and not an international supermodel?Henry could not help but wonder.However, Mia's reaction told Henry that it was not an illusion.Mia's mouth was wide open as she walked to Henry's side in shock. She looked at him in the mirror and was amazed."Oh my God, Henry, I never realized that you're so handsome! Gosh, you look so good."As Mia spoke, she couldn't help but touch Henry's firm chest."Oh my God, these firm pecs are worth dying for…"Henry looked at Mia, who was acting like a pervert. He shook his head helplessly and slapped her hand away."Alright, now that I've changed my clothes, let's hurry to the banquet before we go late. I'm not known for attending any events late." Hearing this, Mia finally came back to her senses. "Ah, yes. We have to hurry over. With such a handsome companion by my side, I'd like to see if those little b*tches will still show off in front of me," Mia proudly said as she pulled Henry's arm.After that, they q
Martin strode down the hall of the capitol building with a worried smile on his face. He was a bit greyer now but he still oozed charm and confidence. Time had been kind to him.The city had become a booming metropolis in the ten years since Paul returned, after his year and a half of being missing. Martin knew something had happened because one day a bunch of massive flying ships had come from nowhere and obliterated the ships that had been harassing the city non-stop for over six months. They had quickly taken care of Lord Vik’t and his remaining forces, the man managing to flee back to his homeworld before the Guild caught him.When Paul had returned, he had returned a quiet man. You could see the loss in his eyes. But the man pushed on and his businesses flourished, producing the Earth’s mightiest warships and most advanced runic items. Then five years after Paul returned, he took a fleet of ten of his capital ships and vanished for another year.When he returned again, the ships
The devil you know
As soon as the pirates realized the Guild ships were approaching the island, they broke off the fighting and retreated toward the edge of town to dig in. They weren’t stupid enough to attack the Guild but it seemed they wanted to ensure there wasn’t an accidental incident.One of the Guild ships docked and the Captain stepped off to greet the three of us. I had been carried over by Barcos and Em’ah on the same chair she plopped me in the night before. My legs were looking less like mashed potatoes now and instead looked like mushed putty. It was hard to ignore the sensation of the bones moving around within my shattered legs but I was managing.“Captain Paul, I hope this wasn’t a last-ditch attempt to hold off your enemy. I can assure you, we will leave for safer shores immediately if it was.”I ignored the man’s condescending snark before replying. “You have the agreement from the Director?”“I do,” he smiled. “Do you wish to review it?”I nodded and he produced a stack of documents
A Valuable Lesson
Groaning, I opened my eyes. All I saw was darkness. I tried turning my head or moving but it seemed like I was pinned in place.I fought down the urge to panic as I evaluated my condition. My arms were still broken, the sharp stabbing pain when I tried to move them told me as much. I could breathe though so my organs had healed after the beating I had taken. That was something at least.Seeing as I was in no immediate danger of dying, I checked my skills. My blood ran cold as I saw what remained of my abilities.[Rejuvenate][Multicast][Eye of the Storm][Aura of Rage][Calcifying Strike]Frostwave][Orb of Darkness][Energy Lance][Overcharge][Tempest Ball]That was the sum total of all the skills I now had. They had stripped me of every ability I had stolen from them along with every ability my second class gave me by default, making it impossible to recover skills by stealing them from others.I let out a morbid little chuckle as I lay there. Tears of frustration leaked from the
Unexpected arrival
Those two words seemed to freeze everyone in place, but it wasn’t magic that caused it, it was fear. My body was frozen along with everyone else but my eyes rose into the air, tracking two creatures as they forced the magical fog away from the entire area with some ability.It was hard to tell by their alien physiology but I got the distinct impression they were looking directly at me. The initial fear was subsiding and people were starting to move again until the larger of the two squid-like creatures cast a spell. I managed to get off an Identify before the spell hit.[Ulq | Void Hunter/Maw of the Void | 47/41][Xiph | Psy Commando/Maw of the Void | 45/42]My body shook as I realized they were here for me but not a single person or even the entire pirate armada currently assembled here would be able to kill these two creatures.I felt the spell wash over the area and everyone was frozen again but a halo of golden light burst into existence above my head, washing away the spell’s eff
The meager fleet of ships I was now in charge of, rose from the dock and slowly spiraled into the air to get above the mist. The chaotic coloration of the mana storm was visible in the distance even through the mist. That meant the enemy was almost upon the island.The Retribution was the first ship to breach the thick covering and it was no surprise to see the enemy ships had spread out in a crescent shape to surround the island. Enemy fast attack craft zipped toward our location and I double-checked that everything was working as it should. I had also turned the mana accumulator back on.I sometimes wished I had been able to fit multiple layers of shielding on the ship. But my experiments in that regard had not gotten anywhere. Shields that close together acted like soap bubbles. Either they popped completely or merged together, but it didn’t increase the strength of the shield when they did. The only way to prevent this was to have separate bubble shields that only covered a certai
The Storm
After weeks of sitting around, the Retribution finally got to fly again.Knowing we were leaving, the harbor was a beehive of activity. Cobbled together crews were drilling aboard the other captured pirate ships. The people knew it wasn’t a matter of if, but a matter of when another enemy would appear.As soon as Khikall got us away from the docks and any possible collision, I engaged the cloak. It was far more effective now that I could enable and disable the automatic recharging system. The massive disruption of mana we used to leave in our wake was now a tiny trail.I hadn’t had time to figure out a way to smooth our passing completely but this would have to do. I also had Em’ah watching for trails from a crudely assembled periscope. Now she didn’t need to be on the deck to use her Mana Sense skill.Speaking of skills… I had picked up a few from the last fight. I also managed to finally hit level twenty in my Maw of the Void class. I stuck two of my stats in Strength, one in Endura
Troubled water
I watched as the workers placed the last armor panel in position and began to weld it into place. It had taken a few weeks to repair the damages from our fight but the Retribution was looking almost new.The replaced sections were clearly visible by the heat transfer in the titanium. I could easily fix that when I turned the thermal defenses on. It should make everything a uniform color. Paint would work too, I suppose, but why cover up the beauty of the metal.It was a good thing the ship was complete, over the last few days, we had been getting reports from the Guild merchant ships that were stopping to trade, and they weren’t good.Large fleets of pirate ships spotted raiding islands. The Capital of the Avulian Protectorate was sacked and all of the leadership missing. The remaining fleets of the Protectorate were attacking any ship that wasn’t theirs or the Guild's. Cities burning due to the slaves I helped free, it was madness and it was spreading.Already I could hear concerned
Captain Grulaine hissed in annoyance as his second in command handed him his “orders”. His second flinched back and hurried out of the room. If he hadn’t, Grulaine may have cut him down in a fit of pique. It galled Grulaine to be under the thumb of another. He had gotten rid of his father for that very same reason. And now thanks to a series of unfortunate events, he found himself beholden to the damn pirate king Black Gar’s lap dog.How was he to know the repair yard where he went was controlled by that snake. If he had he certainly wouldn’t have agreed to the loan to effect repairs to his cannons and ship. Repairs that had taken far longer than necessary, and left Grulaine on the sidelines as the entire protectorate seemed to be crumbling around him. An opportunity-rich environment he wasn’t able to take advantage of.But that wasn’t the most galling part. He found that his repairs were delayed on purpose so Gar could tighten his stranglehold on the local pirates. By the time Grulai