chapter 81

Sophia sipped her wine again, "Look, that is what we are going to do, and we will face the consequences once and for all. We will tell him our decision; he can't choose for us."

Alexander grinned, "Looks like you don't know your father. You don't know what he is capable of. We just have to pretend we like each other. That's all. Till we have a solution to this, we will just play along."

"Uh, you think that's a good idea? We should just tell him right from the start," Sophia insisted.

Alexander nodded, "I have to find a way to be free from your father first. Till then, we should just play along."

Sophia nodded and supported, "Okay, we should just do that."


Marcus walked Lydia out after they had signed the deal. "Thanks for working with us," Marcus stated. Lydia shook her head, "Okay, we will talk later," she then entered her car and drove away. Marcus watched as her car drove away, then turned and walked back inside.

Kathie rushed to him, "Wow, that is a good offer. I can't belie
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