Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

  I was suprised about the whole thing. On how Jason helped Whitney backed then.

  I immediately left Jason and went to Whitney's room.

She wasn't still awake. I left with tears on my eyes, and went straight to the alter, in the clinic. I wanted to pray for her.

 Jason entered the clinic. Though I did a short prayer for her and rushed to the window of Whitney's room.

I don't want anyone to hurt Whitney again.

  Jason sat on Whitney hospital chair, Beside her.

  He held her hand, and started crying.

It's rare to see a guy cry. 

 I immediately, felt pity for him.

But why is he crying, he just helped her.

Or?? Has his evil friend decide to send me.

Suddenly, I decided to remove every evil thought from my mind as of now, cause it's not worth it.

 Whitney, please wake up. He said as his tear dropped on her face.

  Suddenly, she woked up. Though everything was blurry around her.

 She was so weak. She held his hand tightly, 

Whitney, he gasped happily and sadly at the same time.

Happy because she was awake, sad because she was so weak and tired.

Jason, my head, she said as she tried to sit up.

  Don't worry, just lay down. Jason said.

I don't understand this two. 

Seriously, are they......

  I decided not to conclude yet.

Suddenly tears began to fall from Whitney's eyes.

Hope Rita's ok?

 She asked about me, Awnnn, I said amidst tears, my best just cares about me alot.

Yes she is, Jason replied her.

  Why are u crying? Jason asked immediately. 

  Jason, she said and kept on crying.

He grabbed her and lay her to his chest.

  Is there anything wrong? He asked. You see, you know I don't like when you are crying, you know I don't like when you are sad. You know you are my weakness. Why are you doing this to me then.

 Are you trying to hurt me.

She tried to clean her tears. But Jason immediately did that.

I'm sorr...before she could even complete her word. He said to her.

Don't worry, I'm the one who's suppose to be apologizing to u


Stop crying ok?, It's tearing me up.

I will, she replied

 So what's the problem.

  I told u, I told u. I told u to leave that friend of yours. See what he has done to me.

  I'm so weak. Imagine the pains I'm going through all because of you having a friend like that.

 She cried the more.

  I was annoyed cause he disgraced Rita, and u didn't take any quick action.

 I actually came to look for u at the cafeteria, that's when I saw the drama happening.

 I was so angered, cause u were still with him.

 He is so dangerous. She said the more.

I promise u, Austin doesn't know about us. If not he wouldn't have tried that.

 You know.

I'm sorry for the pains you are going through.

 Austin, is actually a nice person, it's just takes time before you understand his person.

  Please don't tell me that. She said with teared eyes.

 So, what are you trying to say to me.

So, your friend can just go about hitting women without any remorse.

 Don't u know that you are also damaging your name?

People will say, The same birds flocks together.

 They will think that's how you behave.

Don't u get the point.

I don't know what to say anylonger


I'm tell u in advance;

  You would still have to choose between Austin and I.

Though, Jason felt bad at the last sentence. 

 I'm sorry, she murmured, she did know that, it hurt him so bad. It's ok Whitney, just try and focus on how to get better bby. 

Though, Whitney wad suprised.

 Guess that he hardly call her that name.

 She tried and got up.

I love you 

 She gathered all her strength and hugged Jason. She kept on crying on his shoulder.

  Don't worry, everything will be ok 

I understand.

Stop crying ok. I love you plenty.

 He said and kissed her on her lips.

Ok lay down gently, he said. 

 He want to the extreme of her bed and started massaging her legs.

 Seriously, she said.

Can u stop?, Not today Jason. She said, while her lips curved into a smile.

 You need it more today. You know I'll not stand anything that will get u hurt.

 When he was finally done he told her that he wants to go and get food for her.


He asked her. It's fine and thanks for your time that you are spending on me, she told him.

 It's ok bby.

 He said and got up.

But, as he was about to leave. She grabbed his hands and said.

I love you Jason. My life truly wouldn't have been complete without you.

God really made you to be mine.

  He smiled and said.

I love you my princess.


I'll be back in some minutes.

 As he was about to come out, I rushed and went back.

 When he came outside, he said

Your friend is awake. I'll love you to keep her company, while I get food for the both of you.

It wouldn't be nice, if she's alone.


But pls try and .also for yourself. I chipped in.

 You also need to eat. You've also been stressing yourself.

  Sure, i will, Thanks.

I went back to Whitney room.

Hey girlie, I said, how are u feeling now?

  I'm good. Thanks you for being here with me.

I'm supposed to thank you, for standing by me.

 If u haven't. You wouldn't have been going through this pain.

  I'm so sorry.

There's nothing to be sorry about.

You've also been standing by me as my best friend and doing things more than this. And I appreciate greatly.

  I love you bestie.

I chipped in.

We kept on talking, I didn't wanted to ask her about Jason yet, 

I guess she'll say it by herself.

 Suddenly, Jason came in and gave me food and also said to Whitney

I bought you , your favorite

  Hotdog and Juice. He even knows her favorite.

 This is also Spaghetti Bongnesse. You also love it.

 So sit up, let me feel you.

He quickly sat her up, and started feeding her gently. He rolled the spag and put it on her lips. Open up

 I don't want to. You must it. I said gently.

Jason kept on feeding her until she said, I'm filled up. I don't want to eat again.

 Just try please. U haven't even eaten anything yet. This plate is still filled up 

Please just bring the food she said. Open up, she told Jason. 

It's time I feed you.

  To be sincere, I won't be able to eat, if u haven't. And besides just try to eat for my sake, so that u can take ur drugs and get well for me.

 She finally finished up. And drank water.

Finally, I was able to fulfill my curiosity.

  I guess they are dating.

Rita!!!!, He said

  Yes, yes

Please would u be able to stay with her for sometime. Let me rush home and do one or two.

Sure, I would.

  He kissed and goodbye. I'll be back later to take you home.

Alright!!! Ok bye

Thanks for the care, I said.

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