Ainz tested the 700 new villagers and they all were assigned to their martial paths and became cultivators. He was in his new Lord's Hall and was in his room. He was sipping coffee that they freshly brewed and was watching the new census of the village population.

Frederick entered giving him freshly baked bread. He has a younger look and his wrinkles have disappeared. Ainz thought that it was due to his cultivation that his impurities have washed out from his body.

"Sir, your bread," he closed the door and then paved towards Ainz. He had assumed the position of doing the task of being Ainz's butler.

"Thanks, Frederick. How's the realm?" Ainz asked.

"The scouts reported that there was a disturbance in the forest. Seems trouble was approaching," he was looking at Ainz with a more serious look.

"I see, let us investigate more," Ainz felt curious and so, he investigated himself.

Together with the scouts, they traveled in the forest and scouted while encompassing the realm. The forest
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