Arrival of Lin Wu's sect master


Max crashed into the earth before Zhu Lian and Hua Xin from a height of fifteen feet after being launched away by that mysterious force from twenty feet away.

Max's upper body which was still exposed as he hadn't covered it with a shirt yet, surprisingly had numerous slashes in it like many blades were used to cut his skin open at several places.

But this had only occurred when the powerful unseen force from the world struck him heavily.

However, possessing a shocking healing rate, his body was able to quickly recover from the slash wounds that his upper body was covered with. 

Then quickly executing a kip-up to get back back on his feet, Max quickly produced the CST-08, an abbreviation for Cannon Star Traverser — Version 8, a specialized bulky bike from the vehicle storage cube that was given to him by General Evans. 

It was this partic

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