Attacking a cultivator

Once Max departed, Shang Fei's eyes shone.

He then walked to where Xiao Bilan stood and asked "Elder sister Xiao Bilan, did Max just leave? I thought that he was coming with us to our sect."

"Well, I tried hard to convince him to go in with us. But in the end, I wasn't able to really do so. However, he gave me something of his which I can use to contact him. So, although he has left, we can still communicate." Xiao Bilan said.

"Alright." Shang Fei said while Xiao Bilan nodded.

She then said "Let's go in."

The others who stood behind her nodded their heads and then went in with her into the sect through the massive steel gates before them.


Not long, Max arrived at a particular place using his ability to move at a really high speed. 

However, the place that he arrived at was behind a building, as he didn't want

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