Half-moon Saber

"Where did that person that crashed into this place just disappeared to now?" One asked with shock and an uneasy feeling manifesting within his heart. 

"Hey there!" Zhu Lian's beautiful voice which was filled to the brim with intense coldness, suddenly rang out from afar, instantly causing the minds of the cultivators that had gathered around at where she crashed into to leap up in fright.

Then just before they could do anything, like look around to search for the female that called them from far in the distance, and then ready themselves to block whatever Qi attack that she would probably send out at them and then immediately counter-attack, Zhu Lian who had immediately deployed her powerful movement method, abruptly appeared in front of one of the people in this group using her special movement technique that allowed her to move at an insane speed.


She abruptly sent out a punch tha

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