Hordes of beasts (1)

After arriving at new locations that were tens to hundreds of thousands of miles away, the strands of seeking Qi began to penetrate into the bodies of random, unaware mortals. And this time, even cultivators weren't left out, as the strands of Qi after receiving new instructions from the leader of the Great League of Shadowy Blades, pierced into their bodies without alerting them and moved to their heads where they imperceptibly merged with their brains and rapidly absorbed their memories.

When the Qi strands were done scanning their memories and taking them in, they silently moved out of the bodies of the mortals and cultivators and shot back at many times the speed of lightning to the leader of the Great League of Shadowy Blades who still maintained his flight at that shockingly high altitude in the sky.

The moment the strands of Qi arrived before him and rapidly merged and condensed into a solid, miniature glowing ball of energy, the leader of the Great League of Sh

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