Killing Master Seven Miseries (1)

Once he said that, he immediately shot towards the place that he thought Master Seven Miseries crashed into when he was struck by the powerful windy attack that he sent out at him.

However, when he got there, he didn't find Master Seven Miseries there. He then furrowed his brows and began to think.

"He should have been injured by my attack, right? Then how come he could get up so quickly? At least, I am supposed to find him here, groaning and gnashing his teeth in horrible pain whilst staring at me with begging eyes or something. Ugh!" Max said and shook his head.

Just as he finished talking, a particular attack suddenly shot out from far behind him towards his back. And this attack which was in the form of an arrow, shot at a great speed towards him, producing whistling sound a few seconds later since it traveled at a speed higher than that of sound.


It struck Max at the back with a large amount of force and immediately lifted him into the a

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