Killing the assassin with a single punch

The girl who the hat-wearing male called a princess, said to him with both wrath and terror in her tone "Leave or I will attack you with everything that I have got"


The hat-wearing male laughed.

He then said "Yea, I want you to attack me with everything that you have got"

The girl then looked at Max and said with a sense of urgency in her tone "Mortal, you have to quickly leave this place. Once I start fighting this male, the violent energies that will result from the collisions of our Qi attacks will abruptly kill you. So, I will strongly advise that you leave and not stay around to watch"

Max looked at her and said with a smile in his face "Alright. Have fun fighting"

He then turned around to walk away.

But right now, his impression of the girl had gone up a bit. Earlier, he felt that the girl was rude and that she was glib. He ha

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