Learning about the true name of the Miraculium mineral in this world

- Rainsword Sect -

In a particular room, a female wearing a bright red robe that couldn't really hide her beauty and elegance, and had a long, dark black hair that poured down beyond her waist like it were a waterfall, and had bright, attractive eyes that glittered like the most beautiful gems in the world, could be seen looking studiously at a piece of item that seemed like a bracelet and had a wide and long, touch-sensitive screen in it.

This female was Xiao Bilan, and the item that she was looking at was the arm bracelet that Max gave to her which she could use to communicate with him, regardless of distance.

As she looked at it, she suddenly recalled Max's face and then smiled.

"That guy" She said and shook her head as she began to remember many things about him.

He was young, proud, handsome, impulsive, witty and above all, extremely annoying.

There were many times when she felt like really beating him up because of the things that he s

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