Sudden horrifying killing attacks

However, many minutes later, nine minutes to be precise, a large statue that was shaped like a python, suddenly appeared in front of him.

And immediately it appeared, it mouth opened wide with a stream of tremendously hot flame instantly discharging out of it towards Max.

Not really expecting this, Max quickly dashed backward with all the speed that he could possibly muster to evade the ravaging stream of hot flame shooting towards him.

However, the stream of flame also moved at an incredibly high speed and succeeded in completely engulfing Max, who swiftly screamed out in pain, agony and terror due to the intense burning effect of the violet-colored fire on his tough skin.

But as the violet fire tried to burn his body to ashes, Max's tissue healing factor which was one-hundredth that of the regeneration capability of powerful God-like cultivators, immediately began to heal from the terrifying burns

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