The old man's hideous scheme

"Hmm. Alright senior" Max said with a nod of his head.

Then still looking at the old man that sat before him, Max asked with a solemn expression manifesting in his face, "So senior, since this mission would be a bit difficult to achieve, don't you think that you should raise the number of treasures that you will give me to five, six, seven or even eight?"


Immediately Max said that, the elder burst into a loud and raucous laughter. He then gazed at Xiao Lin and said, "Boy, don't be greedy when you get there, or you will immediately lose your life."

"I know that, elder" Max said and produced a smirk expression in his face.

Then he continued, "However, that isn't what I am talking about. I am talking about raising the amounts of treasures that you will give me upon completion of the rather difficult mission, since there would definitely be more powerful cultivator guards

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