Transforming the energy pools into solid projectiles (1)

He then immediately closed his eyes and focused inwardly on a particular Kron Particle amongst the thousands of Kron Particles that were oscillating, spinning and moving about in the many billion cells that composed his entire body.

Immediately he did so, with the Kron Particle becoming excited where it began to spin faster and oscillate more, tremendous amounts of energy began to emit from the particle which then flowed under the guidance of his mental will to one of his arms.

The instant the energy arrived within his palm and erupted out of it in the next moment, it abruptly gathered into a pool that began to float before Max's outstretched palm.

With a slight smile suddenly creeping up his face, Max nodded his head and prepared to compact the pool of energy so that he could condense and shape it into a solid projectile that he could unleash at anyone of the enormous, mountainous columns of earth that stood far in fron

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