You have wives?

"I simply wish I had lots of time on my hands to be able to train and develop the near-countless numbers of abilities that I have gotten so far, and become much more proficient and skillful in their usage." Max said with an indescribable look appearing in his face. 

"Well, you just have to. Anyone of those abilities will certainly become useful in the future." The Sanctuary Keeper mentioned while Max nodded his head.

"Yea, I will definitely find time to train some of them." Max answered.

"Alright" The Sanctuary Keeper said.

It then spoke further, "I think we have discussed enough for tonight. You should go relax so that you can acquire enough energy for tomorrow's training."

"Right." Max said with a nod of his head and then stood to his feet.

The instant that he stood to his feet, space began to ripple around him before his body dematerialized in that sa

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