Hall 6

The training grounds buzzed with energy as the Beavers' squad went through their rigorous drills. The team, known for their cohesion and skill, was testing new ammunition rounds developed to enhance their effectiveness against the Behemoth threat.

Liam Connor, a burly figure with a sharp wit, loaded an INB623 round into his rifle, grinning at his squadmates. "Watch this, guys. If this works, it'll be like winter came early for the Behemoths."

Noah Bennett, tall and lean with a strategic mind, adjusted his own weapon, readying a GTH46 round. "Dr. Elara says this stuff will slow those monsters down to a crawl. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action."

David Lee, always the technician, checked the calibration on his rifle. "The INB623 should freeze on impact, making the Behemoths easier targets. Combine that with the GTH46, and we've got ourselves a solid one-two punch."

Emma Collins, with her keen eyes and steady aim, nodded as she tested her weapon's sights. "Just make sure you don'
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