Seeking Answers

In the dim, luxurious ambiance of Isolde's mansion, he and Isabel lay entwined on the lavish bed, their passionate kisses filling the room with a heated intensity. They were immersed in the moment as their bodies moved in perfect rhythm.

The massive wooden door creaked open, and two guards cautiously entered, worried expressions on their faces. The tall man with the scar across his cheek was the first to speak.

"I'm sorry, Isolde, but we tried to stop her, but we couldn't."

The second guard, a younger man with a look of nervous urgency, added, "She said she had to speak to you directly, sir."

With a sigh, Isolde ended his intimate time. He started to get up off the bed, his attitude changing from annoyance to interest.

The door was thrown open violently just as he was about to get out of bed. With a fierce look in her eyes, Maya stood in the doorway. "I need answers now, Isolde, and you had better not hold back.”

Isolde glanced at Isabel still sprawled across the bed, her gaze linger
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