22. The Great War (Part II)

The sun was slowly setting and as if by some miracle, the Ndebele began to retreat. A great yell sprung from the Shona warriors as they pursued the Ndebele far into their villages.

Realizing that the Ndebele were retreating too far into their treacherous hills, the Shona stopped in their tracks and began raiding their villages. Some of the Ndebele soldiers stopped from a far distance and watched powerlessly as their wives and children were ravaged, forcefully dragged from their huts screaming, kicking and wailing for mercy.

Brahmuhn looked on as the civilians were brutalized and captured. But this was normal… this was rational… this was war.

He sat himself by the entrance of a hut and wrapped his arms around his knees as he watched his warriors pillage and plunder. The scene of soldiers beating, raping and killing innocent civilians had disgusted him on his first day on the field, so much that he had stopped his soldiers and freed the poor commoners. Wh
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