33. Battling Demons

Only one of them was bald. This one stood up last and he took his sweet time. They began walking slowly towards Cheetah, their massive feet making audible impact on the ground.

What intensified Cheetah’s anxiety was that he could not tell whether these men were Shona or Ndebele. He began swinging his whip slowly but as the ginormous men drew closer he increased the momentum of his swings. ‘I advise you to stay back!’ The “advice” sounded more like a plea.

The men however did not heed it and continued advancing towards him. Like lightning, he cracked his whip in the face of the man who was in the lead. The tip of his whip narrowly missed the man’s nose. Cheetah’s miss was intentional but a desperate effort to persuade them to redraw their steps. His efforts were vain.

The men continued to walk towards him with the same, slow and steady pace. It was as though his whip was invisible, or worse, harmless.

He swung his whip
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