The Kill Joy...

"I wanted to say that you weren't being fair to Emily and her father but now that I think of it, they are total dick heads that deserve death in the worst way possible so all I can say is kudos bro." Ashely said taking a big bite out of the slice of pizza that she had taken.

"They deserve it. I didn't even consider them to be humans for even one second." Brianna said and Dorian just sat there smiling that he had such wonderful friends.

Supportive friends!

Real friends are!

"The only thing I wonder is if they have an inkling as to who is releasing the news, you know like conscience or whatever it is that gives you a heads up." Brianne said chewing slowly on her pizza slice. "I think they know something. But I guess we'll never know unless we ask them." her friend said, taking a bite of her pizza. Brianne nodded in agreement, and they both continued to enjoy the rest of their meal.

"I don't know. But what I do know is that I'm freaking happy about the outcome and all I want to do is go
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