"Kazz Formen says here that you were supposed to be a pro athlete; what happened there?" The recruiter asked me as I sat across the desk from him.
The office was hot even with the windows open and two fans, and the man was showing it. I was fine, and I wasn't really in the mood to talk about that.
"I wanted to help out and serve for my country," I said, thinking that was what every gung-ho recruit said that walked in the door.
Just as I had thought, the man gave me a wicked grin that said I had no idea what I was in for. Maybe, but I just wanted to get out of here and off the continent.
"Fine, everything looks good, and we have no reason not to take you if this is what you want. Be back here at O-six-hundred hours, and I suggest that you come early, or you will have a very long first week," The recruitment officer told me, and I nodded to him respectfully and left the room.
After leaving the building, I went over to my old Ford Tempo and got inside. Once I closed the door, I just sat there for a minute, sitting and thinking about the past week.
I was exposed as a cheater, caught for juicing, tossed out of MMA, and my Instructor Tom wasn't answering my calls. I couldn't blame him, but my dream job of being a fighter was gone, and now I was here.
My parents didn't know yet, but they would find out on the news tonight; they were just releasing the information now. I had known for a month now, but I wasn't even allowed to talk about it until now.
Thirty-two, and I had already been fighting for seven years, but I was just about to get my big chance at a real fight. That was all pulled away because I couldn't put the juice down and just get stronger on my own, and now I was paying for it.
I wanted to punch the steering wheel of my car, but I was worried the damn thing might fall apart, and at this moment, I was just getting by. I had earned some money fighting, but I had big dreams and spent it almost as fast as I made it.
Money was cheap then, but now I was forced to watch all my spending if I wanted to eat and have a roof over my head. So, the army was my best bet.
I was smart in school, but after graduating, I went straight into a fight, even turning down two scholarship offers. I didn't care about school; what I cared about was the thrill of the out person trying their best to beat you before you took them down.
There was hardly anything in this world that could provide me with that kind of adrenaline, but I thought that shooting guns and running for my life might be close substitutes. I knew I didn't want to stay here, and the army wasn't here.
Shaking my head and then starting my car was all I could do, and it did, thankfully. I pulled out into the street and started to make my way out of town as the sun was slowly sinking into my mirror.
I had to turn my head a bit to keep the glare from it out of my eyes. The road had no curves in it for the first bit, so the sun always got me on my way home.
After the short drive, I reached the valley that my house was built on after about fifteen minutes of driving. I took a right at the bottom of the hill and turned onto a gravel road that I followed for about twenty minutes.
Driving slowly was the only way to keep my car in one piece; only a few of us lived down here, so the grader had a nasty tendency to skip us. I couldn't entirely fault him for his logic, it was a dead-end, and none of the driveways were big enough to turn around in, but that left the road with ruts.
I finally pulled into my yard, and it was getting late. Even though I live far out on my own, I had no pets or animals, so no one was waiting to greet me.
Story of my life, but I was used to that, and tomorrow I would be changing my carefree life to one of order and unending training. That would be that bad, just another thing to get used to, and I would be forced to get strong without having help from some drugs.
I parked the car near the house and got out, fully intending to go in and grab the jar of pickled eggs. I would watch a fight or two before bed after devouring the remains of the jar, but something caught my eye out in the bushes.
A glowing red light came from deep in the bushes just behind my house. That made me curious, but it started to get dark, so I couldn't just run in blind.
So, I ran up to my deck and grabbed a flashlight from inside my door. I was about to leave but turned back and grabbed my large hunting knife before turning back to leave the house.
Turning back to the house briefly, I considered grabbing a gun, but it probably was just some people dirt biking out here and left their bike. People around here were friendly, and I didn't mind people riding dirt bikes on the trails around my house, but it was too late for them to be out.
I started into the forest, holding my light but not turning it on yet; there was no need, the sun was not completely gone. It was just hitting twilight when I reached the light, and it was starting to get dark out, but the red light lit the clearing up that I had walked into.
There was a hole in the ground, and stairs were leading down. The red light came from the hole, but I was not moving to get closer to it yet.
This was more than strange because I had been back out in this clearing many times over the years. This house and land had been one of my friends' grandparents, and we used to spend a lot of time out here.
There had never been a hole or anything like this, and I really wasn't sure what it meant, but something about the entrance into the ground called to me. I was torn on what to do, but at the same time, there couldn't be any harm in going to take a look, right?
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“Let me go back and let someone know where I am going, or they will all come looking for me,” I said, trying not to stare at Mati's breasts that seemed to have a mind of their own.“Sure, and they are pretty entertaining, aren’t they? I get lost sometimes watching them flop around when I swim!” Mati laughed as she grabbed her breasts and jiggled them around, and I nodded.“Can’t blame you for that. They are a nice pair, but you are pretty good-looking yourself,” I laughed as we swam to catch up to the front of the ship.“Sounds like you are hitting on me,” Mati said, giving me a sideways look that I returned.“Glad to see that your ears work,” I chuckled as I swam to the dome and then slapped myself on it like Mati did before.Mati joined me, and Mex was down there waving to us with Nushi, Jilly, and Lizy. I was surprised that Kieta wasn’t with them, but she might be nervous after all this time.“Where is my kitten? Did you leave her behind?” Mati asked from beside me.“Kieta? I expec
Spun Out
Once inside, I pressed the button, and the elevator started to take me up to the top floor, where Lidy was sleeping in my room. I looked around and sniffed, but all signs of our fun were gone; all evidence cleaned.I was curious if that happened on its own or if someone was cleaning up after me as I went? That would not be likely, but I never knew. A good number of people had nothing to do, but I wasn’t giving them orders.Hell, I didn’t even know where half the people that had joined us were. Numerous Demons had come with us, men and women, but I hadn’t placed them.There was a ding as I reached the top floor, and the door opened. I headed out and turned right to the ladder that went up to the hatch, but it was different now.I climbed up and had to spin the wheel that was on top of the hatch to get it opened. When I opened it, I half expected the water to rush out and then sink the ship.What was on the other side of the hatch was hard to look at without wondering what the fuck was
I remember Mex telling me about Mati, but seeing her now was a bit surreal pressed up on the glass. She was Kieta’s friend, so it might be nice to get her to come to join us, but getting to her was a problem.“That is quite the sight,” Fireden said thoughtfully, but I sucked all four back inside of me at once.“Hello? Can you hear me?” Mati called from the other side of the glass, but I could barely hear her.“Yes! Give me a minute, and I will come out there!” I shouted, and Mati gave me a webbed thumbs up.I turned, jogged out of the room, and headed straight for the front of the house to get to the control room. The moment I entered the small room, the door opened, but Keri wasn't in the booth.“I anticipated that you would be coming to see me. We really need to get an intercom set up. I was going to come to talk to you about her, but I assumed you would come to find me first,” Mex said as I walked up to the map area I had been in before.“So this is the Mati that you were talking a
I marched down the stairs till I got to the bottom, trying not to stomp my feet as I went. I turned and headed to the kitchen and another to the glass-domed area.I closed the door behind myself and went to sit down in front of the glass, crossing my legs. I had really let that woman get to me, but Machariel’s attitude was out of line.*Wataluga: Do you mind if we join you, or would you prefer to be alone right now?*“It’s fine,” I said out loud, and all four of my elementals emerged from the Totem Tattoos on my body.“Well, that bird is a hard one to swallow!” Grogvel laughed, making Wataluga vibrate, but the rumble felt normal now.“You can say that again,” I groaned, staring out into the blue.“You can’t fix them all, but I think each of the women has their own degree of trauma. This Machariel seems to have the same story as most Demon women. Taken advantage of by a stronger male. It can’t be easy for them to live knowing that and then be hunted after for something you didn’t choos
Irritable Bitch
After getting on new shorts and a t-shirt on, helped Lidy dry off the bed and change the sheets, I left her to nap. I gave her a kiss before leaving and a promise of more later.Once I was outside the room, I paused for a moment and closed my eyes. Lidy had changed, but there was no change in her status card other than her race.That was now a Five-Tailed Shadow Cat, but nothing was displaying what kind of abilities she had. I was curious what that meant, but I had told Harold that I would leave him alone for a few days.I searched out the different girls through my senses, but all of them were gathered in one place that I couldn’t put my finger on. That must mean they were in one of Mex’s areas and would all be with Beeno.I headed downstairs, but a door opened when I got to the first floor below me. The leader of the women's circle stepped out with a scowl on her face.Machariel had short blue hair that almost looked like she had a bowl cut and four-inch horns protruding from her fo
Lidy pt 1
I leaned down, looking into Lidy’s blue eyes, and little tiny pink hearts were pulsing where her pupils should be. Above her dripping hole, the black tribal-like tattoo that prevented her from having more than one child sat.I wasn’t sure if that also locked her as a Demon, but that was something to ponder another time. I leaned the rest of the way down and kissed Lidy softly as I pushed my cock into her wet hole.The feeling of her tight pussy, and passionate kisses greeted me like an old friend as Lidy moaned into my mouth. I pulled Lidy’s arms from her legs and pushed them down on the bed above her head, pinning them down.“Mmm, that big cock feels so good inside of me,” Lidy moaned as I started to kiss down her neck.“I missed filling your holes, and this is much better than the freezer room. Wrap your legs around me,” I instructed, and Lidy smiled and did as I said.Once her legs were tight around me, I let go of her hands and then wrapped my arms around her. I picked Lidy off th
Damn, She's Fine!
The blade of my blue sword bent and twisted around the chain, hissing as I was forced to duck. The chain hissed over me, and I switched to my Water Pact, activating the Force and Sphinx Totem.I spun and ripped the whip out of Lidy’s hand, but a Greatsword appeared from the wall beside her. The moment that she gripped it, electricity flowed over the blade in sparks.“Oh, come on, Kieta! Give me a greatsword too!” I roared, and a plain greatsword spat out of the wall.I picked it up as Lidy laughed at me, dropping my wave sword. I had planned to one-hand it, but the sword was remarkably heavy.I switched to Earth Pact and swung the sword quickly. I activated the Gog Totem, and flames ran up the blade, but now Lidy had a second greatsword.This one had water running around the blade like a chainsaw, and I growled as I looked at my sword and then my other arm.“Monsterize!” I roared, and my body turned blue, expanding like Lidy’s but bigger.Lidy dropped her swords, turned purple, and th
Testing It Out
“She seems excited,” Lidy giggled as we walked over to the door that Kieta had just walked through.“Leave her be. Keita will come to me in her own time, not like I don’t have enough else to do right now,” I said as I pushed the door open to find a small room filled with monitors and panels with more displays. “Wow, You really spiffed this place up!”“I worked for a privately contracted weapons research facility before you blew up the known universe. Once you got up top to deal with the sea witch, I got all my memories back of who I was then. Now I can create some pretty wild things thanks to this thing that you gave me,” Kieta said, pointing to her eyes that were a series of moving cogs like the inside of a watch.“I guess making computers and things like that aren’t really much of a problem for you then,” I laughed, and Kieta’s cogs rolled around in her head.“I could build a computer from scratch before I left grade school when I was fourteen. I didn’t need these eyes for that. The