Chapter 69

Jacob struggled to move as he watched the group of four walk into the room.

Kayden, Lucas, Jason and Devon all walked in like controlled robots without a soul.

"Hahaha!" The loud laughter of the undead leader rang in the space of the room.

Jacob's eyes had rimmed red and the veins in his hands were already bulging due to his struggling intensely despite the intense pain he was currently experiencing.

"Aren't they just beautiful? Human skin has always been too flashy for my taste anyway." The undead leader muttered as he scanned the group once more before he seemed to realize something a thoughtful look crinkling his already crinkled brows, "Wait a minute... wasn't there a girl among you bunch? Why is she not here?" He asked, however, the four remained staring ahead lifelessly, the undead facepalmed, "Ah, I almost forgot you can't speak anymore, you won't even have a will of your own anymore but will only do what I will you to do. Nevermind, the girl probably ran off and left you all
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